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Louie Breakthough!!!!!


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I am totally stoked!!!! Louie has come out of the Bird Room and into my office which is right across the hall!!!!! I cannot believe it. Of course, Ana Grey is not too happy about this Louie Adventure as the office is "her' space with me. She is challenging and flying at him and he is beaking back. I have to be really vigilant right now so there is no real damage done to either one (especially littler Ana Grey). I am just happy that Louie has finally decided that he is comfortable enough (after 4 months) to venture out. He has also been reaching out to me lately which I try to encourage!!!! Baby steps, but it is so hard to be patient!!!!!


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I'm right there with you and totally elated for you as well. Morgan has finally started letting me get near him. He was stepping up (while grumbling loudly) while hand feeding, but after that stopped he really did so begrudgingly. In the last two weeks he's decided that I'm not the big bad wolf after all and will step up more readily and without the grumbles. Congratulations on the breakthrough. I know you are over the moon with this one!

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Janet I know you have worked long and hard for this day and I am so glad Louie is finally coming around and wanting some interaction with you, perfect example of how it is so important to allow a rehomed bird to adjust to their new surroundings and I see more advances in your and Louie's future, Ana Grey and Louie look good on the boing together.

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  • 1 month later...

Louie really wants to be my friend but he is still not quite sure. If I try get too close to him he will strike at me, not with an open or tip of his beak but a tap as a warning. It doesn't hurt but it let's me know Louie is not ready to trust me yet! Here he is eating a fresh snap pea!!!!



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Silly boy Louie, he is just starting to recognize he is in a loving home? He is just playing hard-to-get so you will appreciate it all the more when he has you wrapped around his littlest toe. You are greatly respected for your love and patience.

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