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Just came home -- Step up


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Booda just came home yesterday.

She's is our first Grey.


We put her in her cage slowly and everything, food and water dishes were full, nice toys and everything. We let her get used to it for the day.

So the next day (today), she doesn't want anything to do with us.

When we try to get her to step up, she'll bite us. (Slowly, I don't think she really wants to hurt us)

Is this behavior just because of the new environment?

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She just needs time to adjust. Remember she has been taken away from every thing she new and has been put into a strange place that she does not know.

Let her explore her new home on her own, sit by her cage and talk to her, Keep her in a room were everybody is so she knows what is going on and can see the family and all the things they do. She will come around when she settles in and gets to know whats going on and she feels like part of the family. Just giver her time.

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Any bird needs time to adjust to new environment. Depends on the bird and on you how long this period is going to last. It could be a matter of days, or months. The most important thing, as already mentioned, is to take it slow. Lot of patience, love and understanding with your bird. If you rush things you won't be able to gain your birdies trust,and without that, you won't make progress. Good luck!:-)

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The others have given you some excellent advice as she is telling you not to rush her right now, she is in a totally new environment and has to be allowed to get comfortable in her new home, let her come out of her cage on her own before asking her to step up.

Morana is so right on to not push her right now for you are trying to bond with her and build a trust that has to be earned, it is not freely given and you will know when she is ready for interaction by her body language, be sure to read this thread, http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?109373-Body-language-most-frequently-seen as it provides lots of insight into how you can see what signals a possible bite.

This getting used to you and her new environment could take weeks or months but it will be worth it for you will have built up a relationship with love and trust that will carry thru the rest of your life together so take it easy and use lots of patience, you will be rewarded.

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Try to look at Booda as if she were a foster child suddenly placed in your home. You give her a nice new room and toys, and them ask her to trust you, start cuddling with you and let you into her space and heart 1 day after her arrival. Remember, you know she's safe and loved, but she doesn't yet. Let her listen to you talk and watch how the rest of her new flock treats her and each other. Just like kids, some birds have more resilient personalities and will jump into the deep end with both feet quickly, some will venture in one tiny talon at a time. Look for her body language to start to tell you when she's feeling more secure. Take it slowly and calmly and soon you'll have a good solid trust-based relationship with your new flock member.

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