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Marcus likes his food!


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How it's worked out, either Saturday or Sunday I will spend a few hours in the kitchen cooking/baking for the boys. Besides whipping up some birdie cookies, I'll make a big mix of grains, beans, chopped veggies, nuts, fruit, etc. (and sometimes a second 'variety' if I'm up to it!) which I'll feed them with for the upcoming week, besides their pellets and such. I portion it out into ice cube trays and then freeze them, popping little cubes out as needed. Usually when I feed them, I'll take the boys' dishes into the kitchen and wash them before I put new food in them. This morning, though, as there were just a few seed hulls left over from their bedtime snacks last night, and I was rushed to leave the house, I just grabbed an ice cube tray and ran into their room.


I unfastened Marcus' food dish door first and started popping out some frozen food for him (he likes it frozen so he can pick it up and eat it that way, when it's thawed or warm he doesn't seem to enjoy it so much). He was watching me struggle with the tray, and then I finally got a cube in his dish and closed and fastened the door.


Marcus was perched next to his food bowl and stared into it for a moment.


"Good stuff," he said.



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I'm glad everyone enjoyed his little one-liner. It certainly surprised me, but in a good way!!


And don't we all have to come up with efficient ways to manage the birdie diet. Sounds like you've got a good system!


That's why I went into a little more detail, haha. I know people who have larger flocks would probably find all the portioning a hassle, but for two birds it's very convenient and I thought someone else even just lurking here might like the idea and run with it, themselves. :)

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