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Tables and counters


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What is it about the counters and table that are a magnet for my bird? Any ideas for keeping our CAG Chili off the counters & table? Yeah, I know - please stop laughing.


I'll be honest and say it doesn't bother me in the least, but drives my husband crazy. And when Chili gets an idea, it is so hard to dissuade him. I've tried bribing him with food on his play stand, I've removed the food from the counters. For instance we used to keep a fruit bowl out on the kitchen table so the kids (not fids!!) could have a snack whenever, and Chili really loved his buffet. We'd find apples with little birdie bites taken out them. I think it is really funny, but sadly my husband isn't seeing the humor in it. *sigh*


So either I spend all my time chasing him off the counters, or I put him back in his cage. I've tried time outs, but like I said - he is hard to dissuade when he wants to do something. Please say you have a magic solution for this. Pretty please?

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Please say you have a magic solution for this. Pretty please?


I could say it but it wouldn't be the truth, why is it that husbands always have a problem with our birds, my hubby doesn't say anything about my birds being on the counter or table but he doesn't like seeing them take a dump there, just like he is always saying "you have bird crap" on your shoulder but he uses a more colorful word for crap, heh heh, to which I reply "so what else is new" give me a break, I wear a bird on my shoulder when I am at home and I have managed to keep the crap out of his food so far, hope it stays that way.

Tell him to learn to deal with it, its better than them walking around on the floor where they could get stepped on.

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What is it about the counters and table that are a magnet for my bird? Any ideas for keeping our CAG Chili off the counters & table? Yeah, I know - please stop laughing.


LOL...ohh...sorry. So...I am gonna take a wild guess and say your bird is flighted. As Judy said...I wish i could say that there was. It is something now that I have come to accept. Now if I am preparing something on the counter foodwise or something of the sort, I have two options, be a total ninja when it comes to guarding the food and keeping him away from things that might hurt him...or putting him in the cage. But as a genral rule, I just let him fly to his perching zones which are the kitchen counter and the refrigerator top....and the lamps...the couch...the top of my computer screen...the TV...the shower curtain rod....the coffee table....the window sill...the desk....the frame of the door....the door tops (be careful there)...ah...and sometimes his cage area. LOL.

Edited by Elvenking
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Oh that picture is so funny, (reminds me of the line in The Lion King, "Hippity Hop all the way to the birdie boiler") and so scary! As my kids will attest, I tend to be a bit neurotic at times, and Chili landing in a pot on the stove is one of my hugest fears when he is in the kitchen.


But as a genral rule, I just let him fly to his perching zones which are the kitchen counter and the refrigerator top....and the lamps...the couch...the top of my computer screen...the TV...the shower curtain rod....the coffee table....the window sill...the desk....the frame of the door....the door tops (be careful there)...ah...and sometimes his cage area. LOL.

Okay that totally has my rolling, because that just sums up my life. Yes my bird is flighted and he is EVERYWHERE. He truly is like a toddler getting into everything and constantly needing to be watched. I stuck Christmas bows on the frame of the door because he is chewing up the wood. Think my husband gets mad over the counters? The man is having kittens over the woodwork being destroyed.


I could say it but it wouldn't be the truth, why is it that husbands always have a problem with our birds, my hubby doesn't say anything about my birds being on the counter or table but he doesn't like seeing them take a dump there, just like he is always saying "you have bird crap" on your shoulder but he uses a more colorful word for crap, heh heh, to which I reply "so what else is new" give me a break, I wear a bird on my shoulder when I am at home and I have managed to keep the crap out of his food so far, hope it stays that way.

Lol. That is a good perspective. I grew up with birds and maybe that's why the poop doesn't bother me - who knows. Just get a paper towel and wipe it up. It takes about 2 seconds and voila - no more poop. Magic.

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Like the others, the bird poop doesn't bother me in the least I just wipe it up, but I know some people totally freak!! Heck, bird poop doesn't even stink!! I have been around large animals all my life ( horses, cattle, big dogs etc..) so I suppose I may have a different perspective on poop, now those animals can make some big-stinky messes!! And just a bit of advice- never stand behind a cow eating green pasture when she coughs!! :)

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never stand behind a cow eating green pasture when she coughs!!


I can relate to that as I grew up on a farm, that first lush grass after wintering on dry hay you don't want to be anywhere close. Bird poop does not stink and it is usually in small amounts that is easily wiped up but some people freak because it comes out of a butt hole and usually what comes out stinks but if you come to my house and are freaked out by the sh*t on my shirt then you can leave and don't let the door hit you in the a** on the way out. 36_11_6.gif










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Bird poop does not stink and it is usually in small amounts that is easily wiped up but some people freak because it comes out of a butt hole and usually what comes out stinks but if you come to my house and are freaked out by the sh*t on my shirt then you can leave and don't let the door hit you in the a** on the way out


I have to say, I'm with Judy. I work hard to keep the poop under control and the house reasonably clean, but there are going to be some missed poops here and there at any one time, including on the back of my shirt. The way I see it, a bit of bird poop on the floor on the other side of the room is not going to leap up and run over to someone and stick their nose up their crotch and slobber all over them, as I have often experienced at other people's homes. And I think that sharing your home with other life forms is a lot healthier than having a perfectly clean, sterile home. IMHO.


This discussion reminds me of when I was in college and had a pet rat. One of my guy friends used to bring any new dates over to "pet the rat." If the date freaked out about the rat, she didn't get a second date.

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It doesn't bother me either but some people just freak out over seeing some of it on my clothes, I guess no one likes being crapped on but hey wipe it off and you are good as new.


my response to having pooh on my clothes is that if you own birds, you must be prepared to be decorated! its just the bird's way of designing a new "fashion statement", LOL i try so hard to have the latest in "fashion statements"! hahaha ;)

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Guess I'm lucky, I very rarely ever get pooped on since Dorian will only perch on my hand, and only for the purpose of moving from place to place. As for the counter-top, is there anything that your bird is afraid of that you could place there? Other than that, the only solution is to remove him from where you don't want him every time he lands there. That will take real commitment. You could have to do it hundreds of times before he gets the message that you're serious. They are persistent little so-and-sos - you just have to be More persistent!

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