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Snow Available


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* Local pickup offered - B.Y.O.S.


* Making room for new inventory

so no quantity too large


* Fresh made almost daily

(possibly into April)


* Consistency ranges from sheet

ice to "Snowman" quality


* Available in white, gray & yellow




** Note: for south bound loads only...


Please call in advance as these may

require an escort


PS Please don't tell Robin!


Edited by birdhouse
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  Greywings said:
Love it, you have to keep a sense of humor during rough times.


Doesn't hurt to spike the hot chocolate & bring out the seed catalogs, either. lol


We've been "lucky" enough to be on the line for some of the "Wintery Mix" storms. No fun at all to shovel but it really collapsed some of what we had on the ground, Penny.


I am working on a co-op plan for after I move my lot. I will definitely put you on the list. :)


Okay, Ray. You can join too. How come you didn't think to post an ad? :)

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No south bound snow allowed! Here in South Carolina we had enough snow last February to last us another 20 years - 4-6 inches - and it had been that long between measurable snow falls. Thank goodness it lasted only for the morning and by afternoon it was completely gone.


Having gone through 2 blizzards in Michigan and another two in Indiana - I've had my fill and prefer my coastal weather. Even the occasional hurricane is more welcome than the snow.



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Maybe, maybe not. Sounds like we're in for some more fun tomorrow thru Thursday. Horoscopes are usually more accurate than the weather forecasts but at the moment it's saying we're in for the ever popular "Wintery Mix". Sounds like a boat drink, but it means a couple, three days of ice, snow & rain on top of what we've already got.

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Sorry about that Judy! (not really)


Here's what we had last February:







22 miles from the Atlantic Ocean and that much snow! I don't think I want any more! Did spend the rest of the afternoon working on an Eagle Scout project in the snow which was fun.


Ray - Keep your snow and I'll keep my sunshine!


Remember - I love you all!

Edited by rbpittman
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I'm not a lover of snow as I am originally from Southern California and when it snows in Washington State it usually freezes up and sticks around was black ice. It is very dangerous to slide around in, at least to me. So for me, snow is beautiful but only to watch come down preferable somewhere else.

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  rbpittman said:
Beware - all south bound snow loads will be turned around at the border. Passports may be required for those entering and wishing for snow in the south! [/i]


Roll on the floor! I wondered if you'd see that because the thread was so long.

btw those pics remind me of what what we sprayed on the Xmas decorations. :)


So, in the interest of peace on the forum...


Limited Time Offer... No south bound snow if you just stop sending us this uhh, crap & start sending us 3 mos of that sleep with the windows open, camping weather.


You'll have to organize something pretty convincing by Thursday, though. If the snow keeps us from getting trash pick up again this week, well, I'm just going to have to do what I have to do... you know?


So there's my offer. Toss it around. Have your people call mine. Lets if we can't make EVERYbody happy!!

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That's a solution? Don't think so!


All we have to do is collect a quarter from everyone with a vested interest, here. We use the money to bribe whoever takes care of the little rodent. A very rich, happy handler mixes a little sedative into a meal. Phil & Pete get to sleep late & never see their shadow.


B'bye winter! EVERYbody wins!

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