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Sleepy bird


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My grey is 15 yrs old and today he seems very sleepy and isn't eating much. Could this be a sign of illness? Should I give it till tomorrow and see if he acts better? He is normally very talkative and active. Today seems totally different. Any ideas?

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My parrot's name is Buster and he is 15 yrs old. I got him when he was 6 weeks old and hand fed him. He is eating now and acting much better. Maybe he was just tired. Who know's? If he isn't completely back to normal in the morning I will take him to his avian vet. Thanks to you all for the great advice and comments. I am glad I found this website, this is great.

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Thanks for the update and the brief intro of you and Buster. :)


Having had Buster for 15 years, I have no doubt you have a TON to share about him. WE all love reading about other Greys and also meeting new people that have common interests like the members here.


If you have photos, videos or just general comments on his personality, quirks and habits it would be wonderful to to read. :)

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So glad to hear that Buster is eating and acting more normal, they can have an off day now and then just like we do but if you have any doubts do not hesitate to give your vet a call for sometimes by the time a bird shows signs of illness it is already too late, do let us know about him tomorrow please.

Like the others I bet you do have some stories to tell about life with Buster so please indulge us sometime.

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News flash to all interested. Buster my 15 yr old grey is back to normal. I did order him some of the Harrison Parrot food and power treats to get him on the best healthy diet. I have heard they have really good organic and sound food. Do you all agree? I supplement his diet with fresh broccoli, apples, carrots, pomegrantes, and more. I would love to hear your comments on the Harrison foods.

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All of my fids (10 of them) eat Harrison's pellets supplements with a seed mix (no sunflower), a few nuts weekly, fresh vegetables and fruits daily. The primary food for mine is the fresh stuff and the nuts. The pellets they do eat and readily, but that is more of a staple with the other food being their primary.


What was your bird eating before the Harrison's - conversion may be your biggest challenge.




Yes, even the parakeets get Harrison's fine pellet mixed with their seed!

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Thanks for your comment. Buster, my grey has been eating mostly squash, carrots, pomegrantes, and couple nutriberries a day and stuff like that. Is it hard to convert them to the Harrison's diet? Don't they taste good? How did you convert your bird to eat the harrison food?

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My CAG, Katie, eats Harrison's high potency coarse pellets (avian vet recommended). The Harrison's website has good info on converting birds to their food. I followed their advice on mixing old and new food and Katie adapted readily in a couple of days. She liked the coarse pellets more than the small pellets and seed of her former diet because she can hold the pellets in her claw to eat them. Harrison's web site also recommends supplementing with fresh veggies (85% and 15%) and treats of fruit. Katie didn't like the power treats but she loves their millet bread. Occasionally, I bake them in a mini-cupcake pan and freeze them so she can have one fresh. Once, Katie wouldn't eat the pellets from a new bag (I buy the 5-lb bags)! My supplier thought they looked like they had more suplina than usual. Katie just picked them up and threw them on the floor. I called Harrison's and they sent me a replacement bag from a different batch. The wild birds loved the discarded pellets and Harrison's has a lifetime customer!


Seems like there are so many different opinions on the best diet to feed our birds. Whenever I start feeling guilty about the ease of feeling Katie the pellets and fresh organic vegetables from my own meal preparation, I remind myself that my avian vet told me that this was the best diet for Katie.


Harrison's recommends keeping the pellets in the original bag and keeping them in the fridge. I do transfer pellets from the 5-lb bag to a used 1-lb bag so that I don't reopen the larger bag so often. I rotate two purchase of 5-lb bags with a puchase of a 1-lb bag so that I always have a fresh 1-lb bag. Saves a little money since Harrison's is so expensive and the Harrison's stays fresh. So far Katie hasn't tired of the pellets, but I do use different foraging methods and toys to feed her the pellets. She does get bored with just eating the pellets out of her bowl.

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