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General question, am I right or wrong?


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Hi all, we have only had our grey, Sid, since Sunday he is only nearly 15 weeks old. When we first approached him in his new cage he would fluff up, beak open and try and bite. Now I know it can take a while for him to settle down and for him to get used to us, not us used to him. Yesterday I sat with him for a couple of hours just with his cage door open just talking to him gently.

What I need to know is that when he showed a little bit of aggression I just showed him the back of my clenched fist so he could not get a grip if he tried to bite, now at the end of those couple of hours he was trying to climb out of his doorway then everytime I put my hand to stroke him I showed him the back of my hand first, he started making a "baby" rasping sound in his throat and put his head down for me to stroke him!, have I done this the right way, and is that him showing first signs of learning and showing affection? Or am I going about it the wrong way?, thanks guys.

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Hi Neil, Are you sure that he was being aggressive? Greyson is just over 4mos old and he still uses his beak to do everything but sometimes he doesnt realize just how hard he is using his beak to grab onto me--- Could it be that he associates your approach as feeding time and he is just exhibiting the motions used when they feed? I know sometimes it can appear to be quite an aggressive thing---- but to answer your question, if it is aggression, then you are doing right!

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Hmmmm. It is possible that he is just not used to your presence and it might be scaring him when you approach- Did you get to be with your baby alot before you brought him home? try walking up to his cage and talking to him as your approaching him to see if that helps. but it could be that he just hasn't adapted to being home yet.. but yea, if he lowered his head down to be scratched, he is coming around...Greyson is a huge suck up tho-- whenever he has been bad (he bit a little too hard or something) and I tell him "bad boy" or "no bite" he puts his head down for a rub then blows kisses!!! They are amazing little devils -- your going in the right directions so dont worry,,it wont be long and you will have earned his trust and become wonderful friends-- just keep doing what youre doing!!! Good luck!

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  • 2 months later...
...Greyson is just over 4mos old and he still uses his beak to do everything but sometimes he doesnt realize just how hard he is using his beak to grab onto me...


I'm curious about this myself... Ruffles is a little over a year old now, but we're having a hard time deciding if he's using his beak to climb or if he's genuinely being aggressive. Is there a specific sign when there's aggression? Like squawking or screaming? There are times, when I haven't moved or done a thing different while holding him, that he will freak out and nip my fingers (usually accompanied by a squawk of some sort). I'm starting to worry that we're doing something wrong... He never used to act like this with us. Is he just maturing and not wanting 'mommy and daddy' to pet him? Or are we doing something wrong?

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Neil.c .....i think your baby is more nervous than showing aggression just rub her and stroke her and make her relax more... i have just got a baby grey a few weeks ago and she does the same thing but its just she is not sure what you are about to do when you approach her but once your hand is on her stroking her she relaxes and loves it :) also they can kinda nip at your fingers cos they still think about the hand feeding and all going for the " syringe" and also they use there beak to get a grip as they are not very steady on there feet yet :) i got George when he was a baby too and he was the same....


You'll be fine just relax and enjoy her :)

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