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My baby Bodhi and I cuddle every night while I watch tv or go on computer- im usually sitting in bed. She likes to doze off with me holding her beak between my thumb and index finger or with my hand completely over her head (she is resting on my shoulder and bent down so her head is on my chest. Is that weird? My kids are making fun of our cuddling habits :rolleyes:

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Nothing weird about that at all! Enjoy it while you can, they grow up so quick and become independent. Pretty soon he'll be asking for the keys to the car along with cash, coming in late. What's a momma bird to do?


Seriously though, it's absolutely wonderful they way they let you cuddle and hold them. Beau insists that I cradle his entire head in my hand, almost completely covering it, while gently rubbing the top of his head with my thumb. Cuddle up!

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IMG_1023 (1280x853).jpgNot Weird at all! Greyson cuddled and snuggled like that too but he is starting to gain his independence and not "needing" it so much anymore. Nightime he still wants to get on the couch with me and "play" and then he will snuggle for awhile. He has to have his beak hanging off my bottom lip and just like Judy and Robin's babies, Greyson likes his head completely cradled in my hand and my thumb rubbing his cheek-- Pure Quality time for me and him!!!-- The other kids will get over their jealousy -- Just remind them of when they were little and the cuddling and snuggling you did with them--:P



This is Greyson and me The day I got home from having back surgery. He stayed like that for hours-- I think he is 8 wks old here--Enjoy the snuggling while you still can!!!

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I AM EXTREMELY JEALOUS!! Getting Dexter "later in his life" he really doesnt like physical affection... in fact he won't even let me scratch his head. I think escentially he tolerates me, because I am so patient and am waiting for the day he wants me to give him a little scratch. However I think your story is great!! I know alot of people that would love to have that close of a bond with their fid. Congrats!!

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Not weird at all! My Grey, Rikki, (5 years old) LOVES to cuddle up with me at noght. She wedges her body in between the couch and me, and wants non-stop stroking as she dozes. My amazon, will hook her beek onto my finger and want cuddles also, (she is 2).

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That is cute. How old is yer baby?


Issac used to crawl up my chest and lay down as seen in the avatar to the left. This was a very limited time. Now he rubs his head against my face and is super giving of scratches. He has a toe fetish too and loves to rub his head and neck on my toes for some reason. I cuddle and kiss his back all the time cause he is just irresistable. So he doesn't have an aversion to cuddling. He just doesn't go nesting or laying on me anymore.

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My TAG does not cuddle, but my ekkie does. She doesn't particularly like to be scritched, but loves to do the same beak thing. Sometimes, she wraps her foot around my finger & holds on with her face "buried" & her eyes closed or pinning. She started when she was young & she's never outgrown it. Lucky me!

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I think it is SO adorable and I too am jealous. Our CAG is almost 2 and we adopted him when he was 1. So no cuddles for us - I am living vicariously through everyone's cuddle stories.


Maybe if I overprotect her and don't let her hang out with friends or go to parties she will stay dependent in me and therefore stay cuddly.

Yes. I think this is a GREAT plan. :)

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