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Zoey the bird and chewing


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A month ago my mother finally got the pet she has always wanted, an African Gray. Zoey is a three year old (his birthday was the 25th) male African Gray. He was sexed wrong when his previous owner got him so thats why he has a female name.


Unfortunately for my mom, she spends most of her day at her job, and I tend to spend more time at home because I am a student. So I am the one who spends the day having fun with the bird. Zoey has been an absolute blast to bro out with. He likes to repeat things back to me and really has behaved incredibly well till recently. Three days ago (about the time I started school again) he started to fly from his perch in my room to my desk and attack my keyboard, water cup, watch, or really anything else he can get his beak on. It got even worse today. He was always good at riding on my shoulder and leaving my ears and glasses alone, but now they are the sole focus of his attention when he is on my shoulder.


I have tried giving him a toy to chew on instead of objects that are no-no's and he simply ignores the toy and goes for the object. His previous owner said he loves to shred paper and so I tried to give him some crumpled up news paper for him to chew on while he walked on my desk, and he still just went for other things. The "choice" method doesn't seem to work with him because he makes the wrong choice. I really don't enjoy caging him when he does this because I don't want him to think that if he wants to go to his cage, all he has to do is chew things. I understand that parrots are destructive pets, but I'd rather he didn't chew on a few things.


Health wise he seems very healthy. He eats all of his food when we feed him, perches with 1 foot regularly during the day when I am home with him, and is very chatty. He just seems to want to play with the wrong things.


Is his chewing because he is unhappy he has to be caged since no one is home all day? What can I do to try to reverse this habit he seems to have only just developed?

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All birds will chew on things and greys need things especially toys that they can tear up because thats just what they do. You have had him for a month now, well the honeymoon is over and his real personality is emerging and he is unpacking his bags. You need to provide him with toys and such for him to play with and destroy and be sure to include a heavy duty bell that he can attack play with, its a grey thing.

Does he have any playstands with toys on them he can play on when he is out of the cage? If he is out a lot during the day then you will have to make the house or the rooms he stays in safe for him, hide electrical cords so they don't get chewed on, sort of like babyproofing to keep him safe. You will have to help direct him to safer things to play with and destroy and they don't have to be store bought toys, we have a toys and playstands room where you will find lots of ideas and suggestions for making toys from items commonly found in the home and making foraging toys, toys that he has to tear up or work at to get to a treat inside.

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He has a lot of chew toys. Dried braided grass ones, more braided grass ones with treats inside, and paper bags with peanuts (his favorite) inside. Kong bells, metal bells, you name it he's got it. He still just really seems to prefer other things. He has 3 play stands around the house aside from his cage, but he just perches on them.


He has shown 0 interest in cords, and he is never in a room by himself.

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I didn't see you list any wood chew toys for him to play with? I now mine would be absolutely bonkers if they didn't have an assortment of "wooden" chew toys to shred. It keeps them busy for a while, although they have been known to destroy one of their favorite toys in a few hours.

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Have you tried playing with his toys with him to encourage him to also play. Ana Grey likes to be with me and in the beginning, I would have to direct her attention away from me. Now she is more content to sit on the back of my typing chair (over a towel so she can't chew my leather chair) or on the top of my computer screen where she can see and talk to me. This seems to work for her as she can see and interact with me no problem.

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Yeah, I play with his toys in front of him. I had to do the same thing with both of my chihuahua's because they are always terrified of new toys.


When I play with his toys he bobs his head and makes a laughing sound. Today he was doing a lot better with the glasses chewing actually.


I think what really did it was putting up a stand to the side of my desk where he could see me better.


Thanks for all the help everyone.

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All I can say, is the forbidden fruit is going to be the first thing your grey will try to get to every moment of her breathing life. Once they get a hold of one such forbidden item, good luck as you chase them around trying to get it back. :)


It does not matter if you have the largest arena of chew toys or anything else (Of course they are a must have).

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