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CAG behavior


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i have recently gotten a 4 month old female CAG. she's usually a pretty quiet bird but sometimes she will start doing this thing where she's standing on her food bowl and starts scratching at it while squawking. she tends to do this when she first gets up in the morning and at night before bed. does anyone else's bird do this?

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i'm beginning to think the reason mine does that is because she wants out too. in fact, i think the reason she wants out so much is so she can poop. she rarely poops in her cage at all (1-2 times in 24hrs), but as soon as we take her out and put her down on the floor or counter, she poops, and quite often, until we put her back up. anyone else have this issue?


another thing too, she's always trying to get on mine or my husbands shoulder. now she's getting brave and if we're not holding her close enough to us she will try to make a jump for it. idk how to stop that behavior other than say "no" and put her in time out in her cage if she continues......


this is the first bird we've ever had, so we're still learning :) any advice is appreciated.

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Corky our grey has done the chicken scratching all her life and she is 10 years old. She will rip up paper on the table and than go in the middle of it put her beak on the table and take that foot and send paper all over the place and when she is done she will fly off and blowing paper all over the place we call it her 30 secound clean up.

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