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I hope this is the place to post this... sorry if it's not.


Just want to vent! I peruse Craig's List occasionally--we found both Marcus and Beaker there, and so I guess even though we're not "looking" for anyone else to add to our flock/family at this point, I'm still curious who's out there. I like to think these animals will find nice homes, so many of them seem to come from moving/going back to work/etc. type situations.


ANYWAY... so there's this ad for a little Timneh grey, the person went on and on about how much time they've given this bird, how well-behaved it is... and they just want an eclectus, and they'll trade bird for bird. No money, just a straight-up trade. I was reading this post in horror and thinking, What about your little grey? If it's really been treated so well, you'd think this person would have some sort of attachment to their pet and realize it has feelings too. But no... they just want an eclectus with a 'similar disposition' and they don't want their grey anymore. It's like an object or something.


Can you say A.N.G.R.Y.???? :mad:

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And I'm trying to be "wide-hearted" about it, maybe there's more to the story than what they posted, maybe something... maybe whatever... but the attitude just seemed to be, I don't want a grey anymore, I want an eclectus instead. So I'm just mad! And I hope it's okay that I'm posting about it all here.

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I think I actually ran across that same ad. I had the same reaction. Sadly, some people just don't connect with non-human creatures emotionally like most of us here do. It's like a peice of their hearts just lacks the ability to open in that way.


Sigh. I know. :(

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I don't know the circumstances of this "trade" and why this person wants to trade one bird for another. I will say, that I have a male eclectus, who does not talk, is a plucker and if I could find someone to love him and care for him I would give him to them in a heartbeat. Why, because I know when I am gone it will be very hard for my daughter to find him a home and I can understand where no one would want him unless they have a big heart and will be content to put up with this eccentric

old man!!!

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I can feel and understand everyone's frustrations with those kind of sites. In any avenue there is always some "yay-hoo" who is going to try and make a fast buck. I believe in Karma, and hope it comes to bite some of these people in the a$$!


I will say the route I have gone with a couple of these ads on craigslist, and ebay classifieds, I have put their ads on my facebook, or emailed them to my friends that I know are looking to ad birds to their flocks. Since I rescued Dexter from his previous landlords I know how rewarding it can be to both owner, and feathered friend. Two of them got excellent birds out of what I like to refer as CL Animal Brokers hands, and got them into great forever homes. Just do your research on who you refer, there are some ads that I wont even touch (ie. can't even spell the name of the bird correctly etc.). Maybe you can help someone find the right bird for them...? Just a thought. :-)

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There's nothing intrinsically good or bad about craigslist per se. As luvparrots' experience attests, many enriching experiences can come from it--like finding Ana Grey. Unfortunately, you can't read the pet section too long before finding something that breaks your heart, too.

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If the Grey is so wonderful as the ad implies or states, then WHY would you want anything else? Not understanding that logic at all!!! --> So why not keep the Grey and get an Eclectus??? ....to me it's like saying -- carried this infant in my womb for 9mos., gave birth, breast fed and Child is well mannered and smart but ya know, It's just not what I wanted, will take another in trade!! call????? Argggggh

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Like I said, the impression I got was just that he wants an eclectus now instead of a grey. And what happens when he tires of the eclectus and wants a macaw or something? The little Timneh was so sweet-looking in his pictures, full-feathered, curious-looking... don't know what the guy's problem is. :(

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Perhaps a grey is too much parrot for him. My grey is so much more needy than my ekkie, who likes to sit and watch and is totally happy as long has he can see me. He always says hi to me when he sees me and sometimes we exchange sounds at each other. Other than that he does not like to be out of his cage and if I take him out, he quick walks to his big cage or his smaller in-my-office cage. He has to be in a cage, it's where he feels safest I guess and although he can now fly he prefers to walk. My grey loves to fly here and there and sit on my shoulder, the back of my chair on a perch close to a window or my computer. She loves to talk to me and tells me off sometimes. My grey, in my opinion is so much more intelligent than my other parrots. Much different personalites and wants and desires. Frankly, if a person doesn't want a grey, I much rather that person find a new and happier forever home for their grey that lock it up and forget about it. Just my personal opinion.

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Perhaps a grey is too much parrot for him. My grey is so much more needy than my ekkie, who likes to sit and watch and is totally happy as long has he can see me. He always says hi to me when he sees me and sometimes we exchange sounds at each other. Other than that he does not like to be out of his cage and if I take him out, he quick walks to his big cage or his smaller in-my-office cage. He has to be in a cage, it's where he feels safest I guess and although he can now fly he prefers to walk. My grey loves to fly here and there and sit on my shoulder, the back of my chair on a perch close to a window or my computer. She loves to talk to me and tells me off sometimes. My grey, in my opinion is so much more intelligent than my other parrots. Much different personalites and wants and desires. Frankly, if a person doesn't want a grey, I much rather that person find a new and happier forever home for their grey that lock it up and forget about it. Just my personal opinion.


An interesting and more positive spin on the whole situation. Thank you for sharing...

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