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Yoshi Has Found a New Home!


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Wow what a day! Yoshi has warmed up so wonderfully to everyone in the house (people wise). LP is not feeling very well today, but she brightened his day by sitting on the shower curtain rod while he showered and played "peek-a-boo" with him. She's unleashing all her charms quickly.


She's enamored with Sarah. When we let her out of her cage this morning she climbed up the door and stepped up onto my hand. This has been normal since I got her Friday night, but then she flew off me to Sarah. She was giving kisses and letting Sarah scratch her head and neck within just a few minutes. We decided to hang a small net across the door way from hall into the living room and kitchen so she could have the three bedrooms on the back of the house to wander in until after her vet visit on Thursday. She has explored all three bedrooms, decided that Sarah's room is the most favored place at the moment. We rolled her playstand in there for the morning. She followed Sarah every where she went this morning - between the spare room and her room, even coming when called. She's flown to all of us for that matter, being extremely social. Jessica has done a wonderful job socializing Yoshi.


It's "naptime" at the moment, so everyone is "in jail" as my husband puts it. Yoshi (along with everyone else) enjoyed fresh papaya and green beans for breakfast along with some whole grain wheat toast. She is eating very well and is so much fun immediately. What a major difference in comparing her to when Dixie first came home. Yoshi talked to me almost immediately - Dixie took a week. Yoshi is eating well immediately - Dixie scared me for almost 2 days not eating anything. Yoshi is happy to see everyone - Dixie wants her "Paul." We are having a grand time and fortunately enough people in the house to make this transition an easy one until everyone joins the same room, splitting people between the rooms so no one is neglected in any way. (Sarah usually studies and watches TV in her room, LP is usually in the great room with Sterling, I'm almost always in my office.) The biggest challenges are yet to come I know when we introduce Yoshi to the rest of the flock. I'll probably start a new thread about the transition, acceptance, indifference, problems, you name it, I'm prepared for it all.


Pictures to come soon!



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Gosh it sounds like Yoshi is just making herself at home, she must have a wonderful personality for a grey and I hope it continues to go so smoothly but it is still the honeymoon phase but you have been thru this before and done well so no reason it won't this time. She sounds like an absolute delight to have, Jessica must miss her terribly.

I look forward to seeing some pictures and hearing how it all goes in the coming weeks and months.

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New to the story of Yoshi. So glad Yoshi is going to a good home. This is something I worry about should anything ever happen to me. None of my friends have birds. Glad I found the forum to make some "bird friends". What a tough decision.

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I do miss Yoshi very much, but I know it has already improved my husband and my relationship so far. He is happy for the quieter household. I don't miss the yelling, of course, but I do miss the scratches and 'Peek-A-Boos' and showers together and just her presence in my life. It makes me cry thinking of how much I miss her. Maybe someday I'll volunteer at a rescue place taking care of birds or something. Even if having them in my home isn't going to work out in the relationship I'm in, I still love birds and want to do something with them. I don't know, I'm pretty much reassessing what is important to me and what I want from life.


I love reading Robin's updates, I read them over and over. I'm glad the trip home was safe and that Yoshi did well. I'm excited to hear how the introduction Thursday goes too! I'm glad she is being friendly with everyone, I hope it isn't just because of the honeymoon stage and she does grow attached to your family, or at least some of your family. It's good she is willing to get head scratches from even new people to her, she sure does like a good scratch. I'm happy so is being well taken care of, I'm grateful she is in Robin's hands even though I really miss her a lot.


Looking forward to more updates! Sorry guys we didn't take any pictures together when she was down, it all went by so fast. But I'm sure Robin will post some pictures of Yoshi soon in her new home :)

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I am sure Yoshi is going to be just fine in her new home, she may be in her honeymoon phase right now but she seems like she is going to do just fine under Robin's care, after all she has had plenty of experience with two greys of her own. I am sure she will face some tougher times in the near future as Yoshi unpacks her bags but that is to be expected. You have done a wonderful job with her and it shows in how she has related with Robin's family, she will pick her favorites but I think she will be friendly with all of Robin's family, time will tell.

I know you didn't want to give her up but sometimes we are forced to do what we don't like to keep harmony in the family, I do like your idea of volunteering at some place that has birds as you have a lot to give and it will do your heart good even if you can't have any in your home, when life hands you a lemon make lemonade.

I look forward to hearing how Yoshi is doing and maybe Robin will share some pictures soon.

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