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If jackson was eatting alot of it then i wouldnt mind as much but he only wants maybe 30cc or so then i have to run after him on top of his cage to get him to eat more.so, i dont wast any.tomorrow will be his last bite and we will see on griday night how he does with out it bc im not buying more.thanks for letting me know ...what you think

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Hi Tanyab,

If your baby is only taking a bite or two, then he is telling you that he really wants to be a big boy. at 10 months old he should have already been introduced to solids(fruits,veggies, etc) and should be eating on his own...My Greyson is 4 mos old and he did the same thing. When I noticed that he would only take a bite or two on his nite time feeding I just stopped with the formula feedings and he ate his solids from then on out. But he was already eating his solids in the mornings. If you have not introduced him to solid foods already I would not suddenly stop the "formula" just cut his morning feeding of formula and let him eat solids during the day then give him his formula at nite for a couple of weeks.--Hope this helps

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My grey lost interest in hand feedings at About 14 weeks, which seemed early to me. But she was eating all kinds of foods and not picky (except some fruits) so I guess she was just ready. Her weight has stayed stable and she is very happy in her disposition now (hatched 9/30/10).

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thanks..i gave him his last feeding tonite and told him. he is a big boy now and no more feedings at night. yes he eats pellits and pbutter crackers but i offer veggies and fruit and nope he dont like them to the floor they go. he likes oatmeal i give that to him in the morn and i try to sneak some fruit or sweet pot in but his so smart he knows what im doing, he will not eat it or push the beggies to the side.he will eat red dried peppers and some nuts almonds.but his always been picky. i got him at 7weeks and its been a fight for him to eat anything good for him...thanks again for ur post

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Some Greys and other parrots for that matter will still welcome a hand feeding once a day and may want to continue it as long as you have him or her. It is a nice intimate time you and your parrot have together as an act of love. Why not enjoy it with him?


It has nothing to do with not being weaned, which he has been for months.


We continued to offer hand feedings in the evening to Dayo until he just got to where he would ignore it, which was at about 6 months old.

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jackson went to bed without his handfeeding last night.i gave him some oatmeal with a tiny bit of pbutter.so, today jackson got a new toy and his played allday with it.i really dont mind if it didnt cost so much and he wouldnt waste some.now just to get him to eat more fruits and veggie. he loves peppers and almonds.

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