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Getting a Gray would like to know if they like music


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I like to relax and listen to tunes alot and would like to have the bird make some of the sounds in the music like if i whiste the guitar solo in freebird would they pick it up and even possibly be able to place it in the song. Would they pick up the harmonica in some aucuostic music. can they immitate a electic guitar?

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A lot of greys like music but whether they will pick up the sounds and imitate them is up to them, you can't force them to do what they don't want to do. Why is this so important to you? Why don't you just enjoy the sounds they do make and for whatever reason and love the bird for what they are and they can imitate almost anything.

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Its not important to me what sound the bird makes or even if it ever talks. I am really just curious as to what they pick up and can imitate. whats important to me is we form a bond trust love and respect each other. (sounds like a wedding vow) but it is a life's commitment.


Getting the CAG is not a spur of the moment choice for me its been thought out and has taken 3 months to even get to the point of putting a deposit on the bird. I have been thinking of a bird for the last few years after my iguanna Mongo died at age 13 he was 15 lbs and 5 foot long. Had to have him put down after he had a stroke :(


I originaly was going to be able to buy a Jardine's parrot however after the shop got him and was still weaning he died of pnumonia I had already started to bond with him we were working on stepping up and he died at 8 weeks old I was visiting him 2 times a week and spending a few hours on saturdays at the shop



This shop does not really "stock" alot birds with the jardines we started with an egg. but they also got in 5 baby grays at the same time they are weaning they were older than the jardines. And from a differnt breeder


So after all of this even though i never thought i was going to have a gray i sat down with all of the birds and decieded on the one that seemed settle down the quickest and was most cuddly.... The store I been working with is birds only and has a great following in the area every saturday they encorage customers to bring in there birds and socialize and talk bird talk

I have been going and meeting folks and making aquantances so I feel I am going to have a good support system behind us.





So I just wanted to know if they like music and will jam with me and be able to enjoy it like i do.

I guess the anser is YES she will.

Edited by Mikestang
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It sounds like you will be a good dad. I'm in the process of choosing my first grey, too. Interestingly, I had considered a Jardine's as well. It's sad that he died just as you were starting to bond. I think your question about music was just fine, but sometimes I'm sure people show up in forums and immediately start asking questions about talking or singing or some kind of performance in greys. I think that raises a red flag for many devoted grey lovers. Sadly people are attracted to greys for their alleged abilities and then the bird gets ignored or abandoned if it doesn't live up to expectations. From your second post, I'm sure everyone here can see where your heart really is in getting a feathered companion. I wish you luck.

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It sounds like you will be a good dad. I'm in the process of choosing my first grey, too. Interestingly, I had considered a Jardine's as well. It's sad that he died just as you were starting to bond. I think your question about music was just fine, but sometimes I'm sure people show up in forums and immediately start asking questions about talking or singing or some kind of performance in greys. I think that raises a red flag for many devoted grey lovers. Sadly people are attracted to greys for their alleged abilities and then the bird gets ignored or abandoned if it doesn't live up to expectations. From your second post, I'm sure everyone here can see where your heart really is in getting a feathered companion. I wish you luck.


Thanks ! I was at the shop yesterday playing with "Shelby" Yesterday when one of the shop birds was rocking out she was doing her own little sound kinda sounded

like owe owe owe to the music on the radio it made me laugh all the time and the cool part is that i Knew she was enjoing herself.

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I did not know how much a parrot could imitate before I got my pandora.

I had a timnhe jako who died a year after we got her as a transfer and an Eclectus who had an illness that forced us to remove him.

but the two mimicked fairly well but nothing with Pandora's mimicry.

we bought the pandora that baby and I'm a crazy happy person who loves a lot and loud music and it has pandora picked up and sung like a maniac haha.


I understand everyone is afraid that people get parrots because they can imitate, but we were lucky and I'm crazy and pandora is just a bit worse so we'll now never a quiet moment of silence but that is how we want it.

in the apartment, they are less good place to live if you're going to have this kind of gasbag we live in the house but she sounds down to the mailbox and they are few meters away.

but I am enjoying every day of my singing crazy parrot but I got no parrot because they can imitate, but they are such lovely animals even if they can not talk.



This is my first youtobe link is with a mad parrot who sings with an artist Frida Sweden with the song "jump up and do not lie and pull you"





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