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Rambo not right.


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I'm not sure if Rambo isn't well. He's not eating as much as he normally does and he's scratching his beak like something is stuck in it. It's definitely his beak not his nasal area. His personality seems the same, still noisy and still playing.


Any beak problems I need to look for.


One more thing there does seem to be a lot of little fluffy feathers about the house.

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Are your birds molting? Can we please see the picture of his beak? Maybe he has overgrown beak.. We really need to see some pictures. How long is this behavior going on? If it doesn't subside and he continues to eat irregular, be sure to take him to the vet soon! Are you weighing him? It would be the best thing if you could weigh him every day to see if he is loosing weight. He shouldn't lose more than 10% of his overall weight or he'll be in trouble.

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Sometimes my birds get something stuck under the top of their beaks, a sticky fruit, or too much peanut butter, or am piece of cotton from a toy. Just a thought, keep a close eye on his weight. It does sound like something may be stuck preventing him from wanting to eat as much. Could it be a nut piece wedged in there?

Keep us posted.

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It sounds like Rambo is going thru a molt right now, thats in evidence of all the little feathers laying about but if you think he has some kind of problem with his beak then by all means give your avian vet a call, you may have to take him in for an examination, in any case keep us informed Chris.

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Well the vet was very thorougher gave old Rambo a proper check over. They really do know how to handle these birds. He thinks Rambo is in very good condition, about the right weight and size. He thinks is tongue is a little swollen, he may have had a little cut or something. At this moment in time he does not want to give him anything as medicines have there own problems and side effects. He wants to see what nature does and see Rambo next week.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm going to pick Rambo back up in a little while. The vet as had Rambo to sleep and found a white line under his tongue. He thinks its a hot or chemical burn, but i don't remember Rambo getting near anything to bite. A tumor was mentioned but he really don't think thats what it is. So its a cause off drugs and when i can spell them later ill tell you which ones. Return appointment in a month.

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