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Hello From DFW

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Hello to all of you. I'm new here, new to the Grey, and new to parrots. I've loved birds all my life, and that's starting to be a long time for me.:)


I live a little northeast of Dallas and have been recently hanging out at one of the local bird stores checking out the Greys and the Amazons, even an Eclectus.


I saw my first grey back in 1983 and fell in love with them. My wife isn't much of a bird person but recently gave in to my whining and agreed to even help out some. Just yesterday I re homed a two yr old female CAG. I wish I could say it was love at first sight for both of us, but right now she wants nothing to do with my wife or myself. I suppose she's mourning the loss of her other family. I am confident though that this will not be a long period of adjustment because she is talking good and eating good, just probably feels out of place here. Anyway just thought I would stop by here and say hi. I'll post some pics when the time is right, don't want to get her more upset you know.:D


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Hi Thomas and welcome. I too am pretty new here and have recently became mom to a 4mos old CAG that I have handfed since he was 3 wks old..... I found this site searching for all the info I could find on Greys. African Greys are by far a breed all their own! Ive had many birds in my life and also have been around them my entire life but Greys are truly very special. Give your wife some time. she's probably more fearful of them than anything and she will learn that once this little girl begins to trust you both. it will be a relationship unlike any other. It is important that your wife include herself in the care of your new baby starting immed... let the baby go at her pace not yours ...(very very important) if you force a grey to do ANYTHING you lose any trust you may have already recvd so just let her come to you when she is ready but by all means encourage her to interact with you both. I know in time things will work out- lots of good info here so try to learn all you can and always ask questions.. Good luck to you my friend--

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Welcome Thomas! What's your CAGs name?

My mother rescued a birdie before my present CAG and he was homesick for six long months. He cried for his previous owner and called his name every day. He wouldn't let us come near him or touch him and he was biting all the time. We gave him his space and tried to do our best. After six months his heart was ready for his new home and within little time after that, he became our best friend. Just have patience and a whole lot of love. Good advice from Sherrie, so do enjoy this forum, useful tips and good luck! :-)

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Welcome to our family. I adopted a cag at 2 years of age also a few years ago. Just give her time, she ismmourning the loss of her family, her home, her routine. In time, when she realizes she is safe and you safe and to be trusted, she will s tart to come around. Just talk to her, let her take things her way in baby steps, and she will love and bond to you.

I look forward to hearing more.

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Hello Thomas and welcome to our family, so glad you could give this grey a new forever home and in time she will come around but she just needs some time to settle into her new home so be patient with her as she adjusts to her new surroundings.

You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru as many as you can and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of her when you feel it is ok to take some.

BTW, what is her name?

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Wow what a difference a day makes along with a lot of love. My g-daughter, ignoring our warnings of

"watch it, that bird bites", kept reaching out to the grey, and this morning she was able to get her to step up, scratch her head as she begged to have it done to her, and even let her nibble on my g-daughters toes. Tomorrow when everyones at school and work I'll be home with her and it will be my turn to love up to her and hope soon I'll get to do the same. Anyway here's a few pics of her.:D


As for her name, she came with the name of Phoenix, but wife wants to change it to Rosie, so Rosie it is. She even said her new name already, and boy what a talker she is.



Edited by Thomas J.
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