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Hooray, New Baby Congo for Me!!!!!


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So my little girl is down to one evening feeding a day. Although she is eating parrot mix, veggies, fruits and pellets she still cries for her evening formula. I have everything ready for her: she is totally paid for, shipping and travel monies supplied, cage ordered, new toys, etc., etc. So soon, very soon my Isabella will be home!!!! I do need to figure out on course of action. Ana Grey is very jealous and possessive of me with the other two parrots and Isabella is only a baby so I am wondering if I should keep Isabella in another room until she gets use to me before she must deal with Ana Grey. I do want to do right by both Ana Grey and Isabella and frankly, this worrying is giving me a BIG headache!!!!!


I know I am a little late but....what a cutr pic....I LOVE THE LIL BABIES!

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Eva has said that I can have Isabella now if I want to continue with the nightly feedings. Frankly, I'm not really interested in doing this as I don't really believe in amateurs handfeeding baby greys; and I truly am an amateur. Isabella is not even 3 months old yet, dob 12/20/10, so I am skeptical of doing this. Eva says Isabella eats well and is probably only wanting the nightly feeding because the other babies (younger) are getting fed.

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Eva has said that I can have Isabella now if I want to continue with the nightly feedings. Frankly, I'm not really interested in doing this as I don't really believe in amateurs handfeeding baby greys; and I truly am an amateur. Isabella is not even 3 months old yet, dob 12/20/10, so I am skeptical of doing this. Eva says Isabella eats well and is probably only wanting the nightly feeding because the other babies (younger) are getting fed.


Yeah..my comfort level with issac was great..and Eva gave me a refresher course on feeding babies. I helped feed my brothers cockatoo and I loved it so much so I was willing to take. Issac home at nine weeks. On that I would certainly go with your instincts. But I can't wait to see MANY pictures of your new baby. Do share.

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Reading this thread from the beginning, let me tell you- YOU know how to build anticipation!! I'm practically jumping out of my seat in excitement for you getting your litttle Isabella! "Getting a new grey, its girl, no its a boy, no wait! its a girl!" Even now, waiting until after the night feeding...Sooo close! :)

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Well I have my Isabella now. It was an 8-hour trip. So she was hungry and thirsty. I am quite confused because the DNA Sexing Certificate says she is female. Got that. But her hatch date is 1/10/11. So I have called Eva to see what is going on. Did she send me the wrong certificate or was my grey born 12/20/11 or 1/10/11? Eva has promised to e-mail the correct information. Isabelle does perch well and eats well so I am hoping it is just an error on the hatch date information sent me. I will also check the ID # on her band in the AM as she is already in bed now. Isabella is also much larger than Ana Grey my TAG so it should be interesting when they meet, which will be after the vet check tomorrow. I am keeping Isabella in a travel cage for right now to make sure she is not clumsy but so far she is well-coordinated and happy little grey. Pictures tomorrow!

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Yay! I am so excited for you! I can't wait to hear about Isabella's first day in her new forever home. I wish I was a fly on the wall when she is introduced to the rest of your flock. That is always a precious time to see. Congrats!

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It will be a while before I try to get Ana Grey and Isabella together. Ana Grey is a very jealous little lady and Isabella is a baby so, we will see how Ana Grey reacts to just seeing Isabella in a cage for a while. First the vet visit before anything happens at all.

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Before breakfast, scrambled eggs and mixed veggies, with a touch of red palm oil, Isabella weighed 365 g. she is eating like a champ and very friendly! Vet appointment at 12:30 pm today and I don't expect a problem.


After breakfast pictures:






After breakfast: 371 g

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