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Hooray, New Baby Congo for Me!!!!!


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*****I do understand that TAGs and CAGs are not supposed to breed but I just don't want any hankie-pankie between Ana Grey and a new grey.******


hankie-pankie just aint gonna happen. TAG and CAG are 2 birds that have no desire to mate. Even if a CAG and a TAG were caged together, it won't happen. If you've ever read about someone owning a TIMGO ( CAG bred with TAG ), it was done artificially and it's extremely difficult to do even by experienced breeders. So maybe give some thought to getting one of those males.

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So Dave, am I wrong to believe that Ana Grey would get along better with a female than a male grey. My goal is not to change her role in the flock, she is the boss and very bossy when it comes to these male birds. My concern is that a CAG is so much larger, (especially a male) than a TAG. Ana Grey is still only 297/298 grams at 2 1/2 years. It would break my heart if anything happened to my little lady.

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So Dave, am I wrong to believe that Ana Grey would get along better with a female than a male grey. My goal is not to change her role in the flock, she is the boss and very bossy when it comes to these male birds. My concern is that a CAG is so much larger, (especially a male) than a TAG. Ana Grey is still only 297/298 grams at 2 1/2 years. It would break my heart if anything happened to my little lady.


You're the only one that can change her status. You need to understand that she's the present #1 bird there. Therefore when any new bird comes in, it must be treated as a so called #2 or #3 or #4 bird ( whatever you have). Everything that's done with Ana needs to remain exactly like it was before. feeding first, treats first etc etc. Remember that the new bird coming in has absolutely no idea about what being a #1 bird is all about. Ana is the one that's established. The new one isn't.


As far as a female getting along with another female more so than a male or a male getting along with another male, well, getting along with each other has nothing to do with being male or female. Put 2 females together and they may hate each other or adore each other. Put 1 female together with a male and they may hate each other or adore each other.


They'll have their own home( cage) which will allow the individual bird's personality to develop.

I don't see any problems with getting a male.

BUT, there may be another problem here----you may hate all males no matter if they're human, animal, bird. They may disgust you. You may want them all off the earth. You may hate the fact that they exist.

In that case, wait for the female bird.

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I thought they were all males?!$!???? I have following your mission and am sooo happy for you!!! Please post pics of your baby, Isabella. She is so fortunate to have you & Ana Grey. Just how many days until she comes home??

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Eva is going to call me tonight, love this no toll for long distance we now have in the USA!! Gwen, this is a new batch of babies the others were male so I will have to wait a little longer. I'll ask Eva tonight, or when she calls, when I can expect my little girl and when she was hatched. If there had not been a female in the 3 now, I would have had to wait until the next babies were ready to be removed and there are 10 of them. Eva breeds several different kinds of exotic parrots in an outdoor aviary. She is located in sunny California. Isabella's new cage is on its way here and I have already received some toys, perches, etc. So I'll be more than ready when the time comes. I only need to decide where to place her cage in the bird room and wait!!!!

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Sorry to hear there was a delay, but this is a lifetime decision and to start off with what you want will make you glad you waited. Having the patience to wait is a virtue we all need with our family members of all sorts and especially with our greys. I eagerly look forward to you getting acquainted with your little Isabella.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got an e-mail from Eva about my little Isabella!!! Am all excited and can't wait. Had to sent the first new cage back as it was warped and had a broken wire! I was not a happy camper. Anyhow, e-mail from Eva: "Isabella, she is a sweetheart. She is still on 2 feedings a day but is already eating her solid foods. she started climbing to the top of her cage and perching on the highest perch. she loves almonds. she is still very clumsy as they all are at this age." So I will have to be patient for my little girlie to come home!!!!

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So my little girl is down to one evening feeding a day. Although she is eating parrot mix, veggies, fruits and pellets she still cries for her evening formula. I have everything ready for her: she is totally paid for, shipping and travel monies supplied, cage ordered, new toys, etc., etc. So soon, very soon my Isabella will be home!!!! I do need to figure out on course of action. Ana Grey is very jealous and possessive of me with the other two parrots and Isabella is only a baby so I am wondering if I should keep Isabella in another room until she gets use to me before she must deal with Ana Grey. I do want to do right by both Ana Grey and Isabella and frankly, this worrying is giving me a BIG headache!!!!!


My Little Lady: Isabella



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Isabella is soooooooo beautiful! I know you can't wait to cuddle and snuggle that darling.


When I brought Beau into our home Dixie had been the only bird in my office, now the bird room. It was a one on one introduction and Dixie was not at all happy about having to share anyone. It took about six months for her to be "okay" with Beau being there. Of course Beau was only four months old when I got him. Today, she could care less about Beau, except she loves to go into his cage and forage in his food bowl for her favorites before Beau gets all of them (he eats his fresh food first, she prefers her dried fruits and veggies first). Of course, he's the only one allowed to play on her cage or go into her food bowl to get what she's left while out playing. When we brought Morgan (also four months old at the time) in he came straight from the vet into the house, cage in tow, and all set up with no notice. There have been a few efforts on Dixie's part to "visit" Morgan's cage, but he quickly exhibits the fact that's he's bigger and off she fly's - no lunges, no arguments - she got the point. A mutual respect society going on with those two.


Having just brought Yoshi into our home I handled her arrival much differently than with the others. With Yoshi, she stayed in a separate room for almost a week while we awaited the vet appointment. This gave me an opportunity to talk to everyone about Yoshi, tell them she was here, they could hear her, she could hear them. It also gave me the opportunity to learn about Yoshi without the stress of the others around. What her distinct personality was - or what she was willing to show me in a week's time. I think this helped us with the introductions when the time came to actually move her. I had her in a smaller cage than her own, which was set up in the bird room. The other birds had a week's time to explore, climb over and determine that this new cage was old hat by the time Yoshi actually moved in. It also allowed me the ability to remove them from this cage and state that it was Yoshi's without fear of either of them being hurt or intimidated. When it came time for Yoshi to join everyone else, I brought Dixie into the room Yoshi had been staying in and made the introductions. This allowed Yoshi some stability of knowing the room already and Dixie the confidence that she was with me. After this introduction everyone moved to the bird room and it's been fun ever since. There have been difficulties, I won't say it's been perfect, but the issues have been more of Yoshi's wanting to be in places she's not supposed to be instead of the other's trying to get into her space. Dealing with the one is much easier than dealing with four at once. Mind you it took me 4 weeks to be comfortable with all of them out at the same time, that's why it took so long to get pictures, I couldn't sit down with Yoshi out, I was constantly moving her back to her cage, or putting her back on the play stand, etc. Yoshi will be 2 years old in April, so I considered the age differences in the difference of the introductions.


In the end I always feed Dixie first as she was my first. The others get fed in the order they arrived in the house. Dixie is always let out first, she's always put up last, and she get's all of my husband's attention as he's her chosen one. That was established prior to any of the others, and he's not allowed to touch any of the others except Beau. She tolerates that, but she likes Beau. Even my children follow the pecking order of talking to the birds....Dixie first. Of course she eats it up.


My only real piece of advice, follow the lead of your birds. You know their personalities more than anyone else, and can predict better their reaction based on previous reactions to different things. You'll do a great job no matter how you go about making the introductions.



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Thank you Robin for your input and advice. Ana Grey is quite aggressive so I am pretty worried about her. She is not afraid of the larger ekkie and zon I have and she attacks them with gusto. I understand that Isabella is a very friendly and lovable parrot, she plays with the other babies and is very outgoing and use to a flock. I have been giving this a lot of thought, and have decided to put Isabella in my office at first so that she and I can get acquainted and Ana Grey can meet her there. From there I will play it by ear because my biggest problem will be Miss Ana Grey. She is so use to everything being only hers as the guys are really just happy to be here as where they came from was so miserable for them. Louie and Sully are just mellow big lugs!!!!! (and I mean that in a very loving way)

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You have made your home a home for 3 typs of parrots a TAG. ZON. and a ECLECTUS and you made it work for each. You have been around birds long enough to know how to make it work and bringing in a CAG, well you will do ok. Don`t over think what might go wrong. Miss Ana Grey just might turn out to be BIG SISTER to Isabella and than you will have 4 snots to deal with. (And I mean that in a very loving way)

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You have made your home a home for 3 typs of parrots a TAG. ZON. and a ECLECTUS and you made it work for each. You have been around birds long enough to know how to make it work and bringing in a CAG, well you will do ok. Don`t over think what might go wrong. Miss Ana Grey just might turn out to be BIG SISTER to Isabella and than you will have 4 snots to deal with. (And I mean that in a very loving way)


Thank you Ray for your encouragement. That is what I am hoping that Ana Grey will want to help Isabella. From what Eva tells me, Isabella sound very affectionate and sociable as she even preens some of the younger chicks. Just don't want to spoil what Ana Grey and I have because of my selfishness at wanting more.....

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