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Any Idea Why Issac...


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Gets so horney when I floss my teeth or talk to my mom on the phone. When ever I floss...he does not want to miss out on it and he pants in my ear while trying to grab the floss. Also, I was on the phone with my mother the other day and he is all drooping his wings and panting and trying to get the phone. What is he trying to tell me?

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Ok, crazy I know, but don't we kind of put our head down, flutter our "wings" & wiggle around when we floss? I wonder if he thinks you're posturing the same way a bird does? And I would think that floss look like fun, too.


And next crazy theory... does he like Mom? Because they can hear anyone on the phone with us from across the room & recognize voices.


Or do you usually have long conversations with Mom & he's just looking for attention?

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LOL...now that you mention it....maybe he does think I am entering some kind of ritual. Cause he can hear me breathe while I do that and my head is forward.


Now with my mom....he has never met her. Our conversations are relatively short...as are many that I have when Issac is out. He is either chasing my phone from shoulder to shoulder trying to get it, or panting and putting on a display...and it seems to be most obvious when I talk to my mom.


It is incredibly cute to hear them pant...but I was wondering about the triggers and why. LOL.

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Ok, crazy I know, but don't we kind of put our head down, flutter our "wings" & wiggle around when we floss?


Mmmmm, Really?


Oh well, to each his own. How about a video when you next floss?? I'd love to see you wiggle and flutter. It would be interesting. Maybe even enticing.

Edited by Dave007
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