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Computer Screens


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Hello everyone...


Just a quick question, since I Googled this yesterday when I had a few minutes and got a number of conflicting results, and then when I did a Search here in the forums I didn't find anything directly relating to this concept...


So I'm just wondering: If avian eyes can even perceive the images on a computer screen (laptop) as distinctions and not just flashing lights, would it be all right to expose parrots to it for an extended length of time, as long as sufficient space is between the bird and the screen?


In other words, on a whim I put in a SpongeBob DVD :) into my laptop in the boys' room yesterday--I've never really tried to expose them to TV before--and both Marcus [CAG] and Beaker [Quaker parrot] seemed absolutely mesmerized by it. When the door was closed they were chatting up a storm, and when it wasn't and/or I was in the room with them they were just staring. But then I had the thought and went online to check this idea of mine out, and I got a bunch of different results in my Google search. Yes, parrots can perceive the images that are on the screen, and No they can't because of differences in the way they sense light and color (compared to humans). Yes it's safe for them to watch a computer screen as long as it's not two inches away from their faces and No, the lights are harmful and induce seizures.


So... I don't know. I thought I'd throw this out to everyone here in hopes of a more educated and definite reply. Thanks! :D

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I"m not an expert on this subject and to be honest never gave it any thought. I have 32" lcd in my office where most of my fids live and I turn it on to ETV in the mornings while they eat breakfast and I'm getting ready for my day. When I'm in my office it's usually on something, although it's not necessarily something I'm watching, it makes noise just like they do...lol. Dixie has picked up quite a few "noises" from the noise box, but I don't think they watch it.



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Lets say that your bird does like it ( especially on a shoulder, lap or knee, wrist or arm). It doesn't matter whether it's a cartoon character or anything else. From a long distance, a bird won't pay attention to the visual but might be interested in the audio. Then, if your bird is close by ( near or on your shoulder. lap or knee, wrist or arm)and all of a sudden something scary comes on,( not scary to you but to the bird) a bird will react badly. Maybe an eagle or a hawk on a nature show on a PC or TV screen. The bird may fly away, flapping wings, showing nervousness, being a little leery of you, even possibly hurting itself Definitely, a bird won't come back to the PC screen again because they have the ability to remember. This definitely happens to birds who are exposed to the outdoors when looking out a window that they're close to. This may also happen to a bird when a dog or cat wanders by near a window.

So, lets fast forward--it hasn't happened yet but what if it does. What are ya gonna do?

So, is it is really necessary or normal to put a parrot near something that may have a bad reaction by the bird? Think about what you're doing. Your grey is a wild bird who is also a prey bird and you can't predict what will happen in the future. Is it natural to do that to a parrot? I think not. Parrots can't be trained to not be afraid of things.

Edited by Dave007
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Dave's right - if they do watch it they can very easily identify what is on there, I think. My dog doesn't care about what's on tv 99.999% of the time, however if there is a dog on - he's literally watching, paws on the furniture, trying to get closer, etc. I keep the bamboo shades in my office closed. I can see out somewhat, and there's some light peeking through, but I know Dixie has been scared off her swing from the movement of "something" out the window. I never thought about something on the tv frightening them. I personally don't think they watch what's on in my office - like I said earlier, it's mostly for noise. Dixie has picked up some of the stuff from Sesame Street - she does count with Count, but only to 3.

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Watching tv\pc screens is fine. My grey and conure both enjoy watching videos of other parrots and movies as well. They will intently watch other birds and movies or TV shows they will watch on and off. The only thing that has ever sent them startled was an unexpected explosion or gun fire when I have my surround sound blasting away during a good movie. Overtime, they have become used to that as well. Their vision is such that, they can see the screens actualy better than we can and can focus in on minute detail from a distance that we cannot.


Both the birds will not only watch, but many times join in with the fun of singing and whistling along or laughing at the shows or birdie videos.

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Both my greys watch the Sprout channel. They LOVE cartoons. They are definitely "watching" vs. just listening. If I have a pic of a grey, or I'm watching a youtube video of someone else's grey, they are totally focused and try to "beak" the other bird.


They definitely see the image.


Leo's favorite is this:




He could watch it for hours. lol.

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^ I love that video! I know they are wild but.........Everytime I see it I get a mental image of all of them looking at me and saying "Do!" to demend a neck scratch...all at once. :D



Cosmo loves TV. I have a 32" lcd on the wall in my office(his room) that I leave on disney channel during the day while I'm at work. He has favorite shows(Handy Manny, Mickey mouse clubhouse) and gets upset if I change the channel while one of them is on(on my days off). He doesnt bother with the computer screens too much, but has chased the mouse pointer around on occasion.

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