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Hi all.


I've been reading through this forum for the last couple of weeks, so I thought I would join. I am new to the African Grey world, so I am doing my research now before finding the right Grey to share my life with.


Right now I am starting to volunteer with a local parrot rescue and have joined the Oklahoma Aviary Society in order to learn as much as possible and be exposed to multiple birds and get the opportunity to talk to parrot owners. My goal is to welcome a Grey into my home in the next 5 months to a year. I want to learn as much as possible first and get my home "parrot-ready" (I already have a "wish list" of supplies that gets longer by the day!)


I have so many questions.


I live in a condo which shares a wall with a neighbor. Is a Timneh better in terms of noise since it is smaller? Are there any significant temperment differences between the Congos and Timnehs? Also, I have read that male birds prefer female owners and female birds prefer male owners. I am a single male. Is it preferable for me to get a female or is this just an enduring myth?


I would love to hear from any of you who can speak to these issues.


Anyway, I'm glad to be here. Looking forward to chatting with you all.



Edited by JeffNOK
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Hello Jeff and welcome to our family, its wonderful that you want to add a grey to your life and you are doing the right thing to learn all you can before committing to one of these amazing creatures.

There are small differences in Tags versus Cags but both are fairly quiet birds and that is a myth that one sex prefers males or females over the other, I have a female and she is bonded to me, she tolerates my hubby but will give him kisses.

You will find lots of information in our many threads so do read thru as many of them as you can and do ask those questions you may have and we will do our best to help you in any way we can.

I wish all prospective owners would do the research before getting one of these magnificient creatures for so many will get one on a whim without any idea of what they are getting into and the bird is the one who suffers for it. I commend you for volunteering with the local parrot rescue, I can imagine you will learn a lot with hands on experience.

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Thanks Judy. I am definately spending hours and hours reading through this forum. It's truly a wealth of information. It's also edifying to see so many people here that generously share their experiences. I look forward to being an active member, although as a true newbie I will be more of a sponge than a fountain for a while. Hopefully I will be able to "pay it forward" in the years to come.

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Very nice intro Jeff and I look forward to hearing from you and your adventures into the world of bird rescue and quests to find the right grey. In my opinion it does not matter if your grey is male or female as I have a female timneh and she is quite attached to me. I have been her parront since she left the breeder. It really depends of the socializing the breeder does and the trust you build with your grey. The same with congo or timneh, it depends on the socialization, temperament, and trust you build with your new companion. Welcome to the Grey family, Jeff!!!!

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I wish everyone could start their parrot experience by working at a rescue. You'll learn so much. You'll have a very real idea of what you're signing up for. You'll really understand what can go wrong. And you'll have the opportunity to do a great deal of good in the meantime! Yay for you!


And hopefully, one (or maybe more :) ) of those guys will wrap themselves around your heartstrings & find a great new home!


Welcome & I hope we'll hear a lot about your experiences in the future.

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Hi Jeff and welcome to our family! I applaud you for doing your research and taking your time. You will be an awesome parront!

I have a Romney, female, who prefers men, but she is bonded to my daughter and I. She has a much quieter voice than my cag, also a female, but loves prefers us girls! She is incredibly loud, both her voice and her whistles! My amazon.....well that's a whole other story.....she makes my cag seem quiet.....lol!


I look forward to hearing more from you. I am sure you will have lots to share regarding your volunteering. Please join in any and all discussions, you don't need a parrot to contribute!

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Welcome Jeff. I am so happy to hear that you are volunteering at a local rescue center. I have always thought that is the best experience anyone could ever get before actually owning one so I do commend you! It is true what Judy sd about ppl rushing out to get one and not knowing anything about birds It is always the bird that suffers. You probably see that alot by being at the center too I bet.. This place is great ,,learn all you can but I do need to warn you that all my research I did before getting my very 1st grey ,Gresyon is all that I learned....He did just the opposite..:-)...lol...Luckily tho I have been around birds all my life so I did know a little somethin about them and their care- but as long as you get the "basics" then your new baby will gladly teach you the rest and you will find you'll be a very quick learner!!!! ....trust me!!!! -- Greyson is a Congo and I have absolutely no exp with the TAG"S--- but I do know that as far as the difference between the two as far as temperment it's pretty much the same I don't think one or the other is either more or less in personality or temperment I think it is all in how they are socialized. I have never heard anything as far as the males liking females etc...I do think that is a myth-- The best thing I have enjoyed, is getting Gresyon while still a baby. If you don't know anything about feeding a baby I would recommend you wait until yours is weaned but very important to socialize him/her to as many experiences as you can like different ppl and taking him to a different room in the house- I can take Greyson anywhere in the house and he doesn't "freak" out.. He will take any toy with out hesitation...etc He is just a joy to my heart and the friendship I am building with him is unlike any human relationship I have ever known-- extremely rewarding in a way unknown to anyone who has never owned...er umm....let me rephrase that....that has ever been owned by a companion bird..I wish you the very best in your journey and I already sense your gonna be a great "dad"---

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Thank you all for you warm welcome. I think I am going to leave the questions of TAG or CAG/ male or female wait for a while. I'm just going to take my time and meet lots of both sub-species and see who picks me. It seems the consensus is that differences are more about individuals than "breeds" or genders. I'm sure my clever little girl or guy is out there be it a TAG or a CAG.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unlike Jeffnok.........I didn't do my research on African Greys....I read a couple of things here and there! But when I want something, unfortuntally I go and get it! Now I'm playing catch up, and WILL learn, all I have to learn to make my CAG life a great add on to my family!!! I also told the seller at the bird farm that I'm avail to volunteer my time to them if they ever need it so that it can speed up my learning process!!!!

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