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Cleaning Get-A-Grip Climbing Nets


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I found this on http://parrotisland.mainsecureserver.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=549

CLEANING: We have found that the best way to clean the Get A Grip Climbing Nets is to wipe down or soak the dirty areas in the Oxyfresh Cleansing Gele' which we use for cleaning everything used with our birds! A mild liquid dishwashing liquid (like Dove or Palmolive) diluted at 2 tablespoons per gallon of warm water can also work. They may also be washed in a FRONT LOADING clothes washng machine - but NOT in top loaders as they can get caught in the agitator and potentially be destroyed!

Hope it helps.




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Hi Thanks everyone. I called StarBird just to see what they would see. Here is their reponse. They could not stress enough the importance of letting it dry COMPLETELY.


Depending upon the size of Get a Grip that you have there are a couple of different ways to clean it.



If it's small, it can go into the washing machine on a gentle cycle in cold water without detergent.



The other method is to lay it out on the ground with a hose and a scrub brush and hose it down. Anything stuck to it will wash away with a touch of the brush. However, it must dry completely, best in the sun, before you hang it again. Remember it's a natural, untreated fiber, and although it is mold and mildew resistant, if it's wet when you bring it in it can mold with that high concentration of water.



If it's small and you want to put it into the dryer, do so without much heat. Use the bare minimum because once again, being a natural fiber it can shrink a bit. Average shrinkage with higher heat is about 10%.



If it's small you can also wash it in the tub or the sink.

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