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Introducing Chili Pepper


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Hello. It's been a while since my last post.


First I gotta say thank you for having an Amazon room here since I added a DYH to my flock Yay!


There may be some of you that have already met Chili on other boards that I belong to. For those that have not I'd like you to meet Chili Pepper. Chili is a Double Yellow Head Amazon and he is 8 months. I hand fed him since he was 6 weeks old. He is very content to hang out either on my arm or his perch but just wants to be with his human flock. He is very sweet and I am enjoying him now at this young age before he turns into a Jeckyl and Hyde-lol. I did my research long before Chili came home and am aware of what I might be getting myself into with a "hot three".


Enjoy the pictures.

chili 2 dec 2010.jpg

Chili 2 dec 2010.jpg

chili dec 2010.jpg

Edited by fidsandfrats
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Yes we have many members who have amazons so we felt the need for a room for them, Chili Pepper is gorgeous and I bet he is a delight to have around, at 8 months you have some time yet before the Jekyll & Hyde problem comes into play but at least you know what you are getting into. I can't wait to hear and see more of Chili as he matures into a typical amazon.

Is Slater and Chili the only two birds you have right now?

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Yes we have many members who have amazons so we felt the need for a room for them, Chili Pepper is gorgeous and I bet he is a delight to have around, at 8 months you have some time yet before the Jekyll & Hyde problem comes into play but at least you know what you are getting into. I can't wait to hear and see more of Chili as he matures into a typical amazon.


Is Slater and Chili the only two birds you have right now?


Hi again,


Yes Chili and Slater are my only two. If I had the room I'd have more. They are a lot of work as you know but oh so worth it.

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Hooray!!!!! Another zon. I have a re-homed 3-year-old BFA and he is a comic and a joy to watch play. Louie is always playful and has learned to "live" with Ana Grey. I look forward to hearing more about Chili Pepper. He is quite handsome!!!!


YAY!!!! Chili is very layed back. Almost too layed back. He plays with his toys but he doesn't hang upside down by a toe nail and beat his toys like Slater (CAG) does. I'm not sure why he's not more playful. He and Slater don't get along. They tolerate each other and can be in the same play area but I have to be in ear shot just in case Slater decides Chili is making himself too comfortable (I had Slater before Chili). If things get too heated Chili flies away but I never ever leave them out of their cages unattended ever. He's a typical Amazon in that he does not like to be pet but will occassionall let me pet his beak and sometimes his head and neck. He will step up for just about anyone.

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Hello Chili and welcome.

I have read about the hot 3 and it almost stoped me from taking Cricket my 14 or 15 year old blue fronted amazon that we rehomed a little over 2 years ago. She has turned out to be a great family member and very gentle, not what I was expecting. If she could she would be on my shoulder 23/7 One hour to eat.

I could never give her up.

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Hello Chili and welcome.

I have read about the hot 3 and it almost stoped me from taking Cricket my 14 or 15 year old blue fronted amazon that we rehomed a little over 2 years ago. She has turned out to be a great family member and very gentle, not what I was expecting. If she could she would be on my shoulder 23/7 One hour to eat.

I could never give her up.


Thank you very much for that information about your sweet Cricket. It is really nice to hear that there are exceptions to the rule:)


Chili is a male so I may not be so lucky. I can socialize, socialize, socialize but if/when those hormones kick in there may not be anything I can do except wait it out. Let's hope he's not too bad and he's an exception.

Edited by fidsandfrats
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