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AnnaBella-blood test results.


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Well, AnnaBella is pretty sick. Please forgive me if I spell things wrong or use the words in the wrong way...The test that came back bad is the CK test. She said normal is 300 to maybe 400. AnnaBella is at 23,000. She may have a lung infection...or Chlamydia...I'm taking her back to the vet tomorrow for more tests and a shot of antibiotics. I was trying to write all this stuff down as I talked to the vet but nothing I wrote down makes any sense. I'm scared for her...I feel bad that she's sick. I thought I was doing everything right...she sees the vet every six months. We had her tested for Chlamydia when she was a baby...by our old vet. The vet I go to now says it doesn't always show up in babies and they have to be retested when they're older. My old vet didn't tell me that. AnnaBella is never around other birds so the only way she could've gotten this is from the breeder who sold her to us.


Has anyone's bird ever had Chlamydia? Can someone tell me everything will be ok?

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I hope all goes well and the antibiotics take care of this.


It is also possible that AnnaBella became infected by another source than the breeder. Critters such as reptiles, cats etc. also can be carriers. One note as well, it is one disease of the few diseases that can be transmitted to humans.

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I'm sorry the blood tests are so scary. But she's very well taken care of & that's a really big head start towards a full recovery. Hopefully, you caught it early enough to help too.


When I was looking for info on Chlamydia, I found these 2 websites that I thought had a lot of information. The first is an official government site on Chlamydia. The second was full of support information & some holistic solutions that might be useful even if it's something else.






Hope AnnaBella is better soon.

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Well, AnnaBella had her first injection of antibiotics last Tuesday. If it's Chlamydia, she'll have weekly shots for 45 days. If it's not Chlamydia then it'll be for two weeks. My vet said she used to use a simple test to test for Chlamydia but she NEVER got a positive test. She thought that was strange and started DNA testing instead. The only place that does it is in Miami...or maybe that's just where she sends it. She said it takes about a week to get the results...so we're waiting. It might be my imagination, but AnnaBella already seems to be feeling better. She's chewing her feathers less...it seems...and she's flying more. Thanks so much for the well wishes...OH! The most important part...I asked my vet, flat out, if she could die...my vet said "oh no no...she'll be fine, we're doing all the right things...she'll be fine"....I keep hearing that in my head...what a relief!!


Thanks so much!!


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Thanks Heather for the update on AnnaBella, I know that was first and foremost in your mind when chlamydia was mentioned but if your vet assures you she will be fine then thats great news and great that she seems to feel better, hoping the results come back negative.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

We just had AnnaBella re-tested to see if the infection was gone. I'm happy to say that her test results all came back with good news..no more infection. She's doing really well...very active...she seems happy...just one problem, she's still chewing her feathers. This all started because she was chewing her feathers...the vet thinks she started chewing because she was sick...and now it's habit. We've been giving her red palm oil for months...I've changed things around in her cage, hoping to stimulate her mind. I'm not really sure what else I can do...I try to ignore her when she's chewing...and when she chews paper or her wooden toys, I give her positive reinforcement. I mist her daily...sometimes twice daily. I think she's molting now...which isn't helping the chewing thing. Anyway, she's doing good overall...it's just the chewing that's bugging me.

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Great news! Kito and I are going through a very similar situation, only she had aspergillosis. She gets retested in another month, but seems to be feeling like her old self again. Jayd suggested to only bathe her once or twice a week and Danmcq suggested a product called Feather-In to someone else in another thread somewhere. I also got her an avian sun light along with increasing the red palm oil. Mostly she has stopped chewing, but I still find chunks once in a while. Did AnnaBella chew off her flights and tail feathers too?

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