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Update on Morgan - a long road of hurdles


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Well it's been almost four months since Morgan joined us and he's finally decided today that he would eat something other than his pellets! Morgan was a very stubborn little guy in the eating department, but I think that had more to do with the abrupt move from his old home to his new home with us. He stayed on formula for well over 6 weeks after he joined us, and made the switch to Harrison's pellets like a champ. Of course I think I've perfected the switch to Harrison's - a little white grape juice that's diluted and they will eat it every time. Today when I put his veggies and fruit into his cage for breakfast he shunned the pellets to eat the strawberries and papaya. I'm so proud of him. Lunch proved that the pellets are still his preference - he ate them all and ignored his rice/corn/beans mix. Dinner didn't improve the fresh food lookout but he still ate his pellets like he's supposed to. He does like shredding the leaves of collards/cabbage/kale that I hang in his cage for him, but I haven't seen him actually ingest them but he loves to shred them.


Gaining his trust has been another long hurdle to over come. While he was hand feeding, Morgan would step up from inside his cage, but now that he's "self-sufficient" he's chosen to be a little more aloof. While Morgan will eventually step up for me, the rest of the family can't manage that task. We've been working on it with my giving him one unsalted, sunflower kernel every time he steps up from outside his cage. This is usually done when I have to move him from his favorite perch on top of his cage to go back inside or move him back to his cage. Mind you this doesn't happen more than twice a day (the treat that is) but he's learning. I think he's also figured out that he can fly and it's more fun for me to beg him than him just comply. The little sh*t.


I will say today has brought most of the progress. I've let Morgan advance his trust in me as he sees fit, never forcing him to be with me, but more like my being near him. My "study" chair is next to his cage. Today instead of Beau (who's been more independent lately) being on my shoulder constantly, he was playing on the swing. Morgan decided he would come over to see me. I was at my desk (opposite side of the room from Morgan's cage) and he flew from his cage to Beau's and then "leaned" toward me. I took advantage of the opportunity to see if Morgan would step up and spend some time with me. Morgan did step up reluctantly, but spent a good 5 minutes sitting on my arm while we just watched tv/Beau/Blue/Bean/Dixie. I guess 5 minutes was enough because he then flew off my arm to the rope door to play for a bit.


It's been a very slow progression of trust and learning with Morgan, very different than the Greys and Conures. I'm not sure if that's the difference in the species or just the luck of the other birds. Dixie was quick to come to me but had been hand reared from a very early age and was just a darling to be around and wanted to be handled. Today she'll lay on her back on top of LP's head of all things. Beau was and still is as needy as a brand new baby. The conures just want to use us as taxi's from one part of the room to another and then they fly back and forth in their games of flight. Morgan on the other hand isn't like any of them. He's talkative, self-sufficient, entertaining, and he does love me, but it's a very different experience. I will say Morgan does look for me as much as Beau does - whenever he hears me in the kitchen, fixing breakfast or if I walk out of the room he screams "MOM" at the top of his lungs. None of the others do that!



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Thanks Robin for the update on Morgan and I find that unusual for a bird to only want to eat pellets as usually most of us are trying to get our fids to even touch them but you are making progress and who knows what he might be eating by the end of this year. Morgan is certainly taking his time in coming around to you but I believe the wait will be worth it and I look forward to another update soon with even better news, now how about a few pics of Morgan to appease us.

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It`s sounds like Morgan is comming along fine.

We were lucky with Cricket because she was on an all seed diet and in less than a month she would eat anything we put in front of her.

She came with a lot of baggage but in less than 3 months she did a 180 and now is a great family member and a very sweet zon.

I do not know exactly what I did right with her but what ever is was I am glad I did it.

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I don't know what corner we came to with Morgan, but since I posted this last update I have ton's more to add - just wish I would have known the corner was going to be so impressive!


Last night was spaghetti night and as usuall all of the fids get their share of pasta (angel hair no less - minus the sauce!). As usual, Beau has to get into my plate with both feet - something I don't encourage, he has his own bowl; Dixie prefers to throw her bowl to the bottom of the cage, then climb out and sit on my husbands shoulder and eat from his plate. Of course before too long she's sitting in the bottom of her cage eating her own pasta, but only after having slurpped up enough sauce to decorate hubby's shirt. I've given Morgan his own bowl of pasta every time, but he's refused to eat it. Last night however he chose to drag pieces of pasta all over the porch of his cage (where we sit his bowl) and ate a good bit of it. I was so happy, didn't even mind cleaning up the pieces that made it to the floor.


This morning Morgan was watching Dixie in her aerial routine and decided to join the fun. At first he only flew from his cage to Beau's, then he flew to the rope door; Dixie moving to Beau's cage. Then he flew to his cage; Dixie to the rope door. Then he flew to me! I never expected that one! Yes I had been calling him the whole time, but I still didn't expect it! This was promptly rewarded with not one but two sunflower kernels! I had to put everyone back into their cages to run some errands and when I got home and opened up their cages (as usual) I expected more of the same aloofness from Morgan - not coming out until I had sat down, ignoring everyone else, you know the routine. Beau clings to the front of his cage until I lower the door and he's "instantly" out. This afternoon Morgan did the same thing Beau did - ta da - he was instantly out and he gave me a kiss!


Not sure what happened to the bird we had here last week, but this new one is definitely a keeper!



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Not sure what happened to the bird we had here last week, but this new one is definitely a keeper!


Isn't it wonderful when they come around like that after being aloof for so long, glad to hear it is continuing to improve with Morgan, you were probably beginning to think he was never going to open up to you but I hope you get to keep the bird you have this week.

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This little clown who now occupies what was Morgan's cage is hysterical. He spent most of yesterday teasing me with the thought of flying over to me! Morgan would stand on his grapevine perch (on the top of his cage) and lean forward and slightly open his wings and appear ready to take off, only to move to another position, do the same thing and ... repeat! After about 5 minutes of this I "stepped up" and offered a hand. It was hysterical, so we played a little together and then it was the same thing, from my hand/arm/desk and again I offered a hand and we would move somewhere else in the room. What has gotten into this guy? Now he wants me to move him around and he's fully flighted! I LOVE IT!

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Ray, I've been a "taxi" for the past 14 years - first with kids and now with fids! The conures hop on my shoulder just to take a ride, Beau is always on my shoulder (he can't fly) and Dixie uses me to get to my husband. Morgan getting in on the act is definitely a first!

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  • 2 months later...

It's been a while since I've posted anything in here specifically about Morgan, but there is continued progress on the trust levels and interaction with me and the rest of the flock.


We've added Yoshi to the crew and she is enamored with Morgan, even though he's twice her size. It's so funny watching how this big lug just "man's up" and get even taller to tell her "no you can't play with my toys."


He still eats his dried fruit/veggies and pellets without any problem at all. His weight is perfect according to Dr. Jose, and he's the perfect specimen of an amazon. I have managed to get him to eat veggies, but to do so I have to put them in without his dry food in place. This is very difficult for me since I know he eats his Harrison's so well and I only see him pick at his veggies. I have found that if I hang a few leafs of kale or other dark leafy veggie up he shreds it, but other types of veggies he just picks up and tastes and flings. Nuts he will gladly eat, but those have to be measured out with care. Pasta is one of his favorite foods to fling, while eating a little of. I'm hoping that with spring here and more abundant varieties of vegetables this will change his outlook on food.


He is still just as lovable and sweet as before, now talking up a storm. He's always asking what I'm doing "whatcha doing" and looking extremely interested in what I'm doing. His vocabulary is extremely strong for someone who is only 10 months old. He's taken great strides in his flight ability and is the perfect little shower mate, getting soaked to the skin and still wanting more. I don't know who has more fun in the water, him or me.



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Capt'n Morgan sounds like he stepped up his game lately and is getting in on all the fun everyone else is having. He sounds like a delight. Glad his personality is blossoming and he is such a character. It is hard to remember my life before parrots but it was a lot quieter and a lot less smiles and laughter. Enjoy your time with the Captain and his crew.

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