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How do your birds get along? Possible Amazon Addition


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We are thinking of, at some point, adding a rehomed Amazon to our crew. We currently have a grey and a quaker who have worked out a love/hate relationship. They are both out of their cages pretty much ALL the time. They have their squabbles and turf wars but have been cohabitating for about three years. I have been reading about Amazons and their fun personalities, and think it could be more fun to add one to the mix.

From a purely selfish standpoint, it would be great if the amazon had a passion for singing:)

It would be just fine if the amazon was a hands-off kind of bird since we already get tons of lovin' from our grey and quaker. Plus, I do not mind exuberant vocalizations, as I equate them with happiness and good health.

I guess my question is for those bird owner's who actually have a mixed flock that exist outside their prospective cages. Is that possible? Do your grey and amazon get along together? Do you need to keep one in his cage while the other is free to fly? I hope that I can have three birds who tolerate each other and do not hurt each other. How do you introduce them? Thanks for the advice.

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My three, Tag, Zon and ekkie are out all day long in the same room. Sully, the ekkie is the oldest and prefers to be left alone. He prefers to sit in or on his cage. He is not a toy player. He lived in a pet store for 7 1/2 years so he is happy just to be in the peace and quiet on a safe routine. Now Louie, the blue-fronted zon is three years old this month. He is a re-homed who lived pretty much in his cage. Louie speaks Hindi and some English and is a curious and active clown. He loves to chew wood and lucky only his toys so far. He jumps out of his cage as soon as I open his cage in the morning and plays all day long. Now he and Ana Grey, my first parrot that I have had since she was four-months old, are not really friends. Ana Grey is my baby and flies all over the house she perches in different designated spots in each room. She at times loves to be with me. When she and Louie are out they will not perch on the same perch and are constantly shooing each other off and claiming the perch/boing/atom as their own. They don't hurt each other but they do fight and bully each other for position. It is a relationship that is now workable and I don't worry so much about them as I did 4 months ago when I first got Louie. Neither has bitten or drawn blood or feathers from the other. So with patience and vigilance until they get use to each other different species of parrots can live together. You just have to let them find their places in the hierarchy own their own but with patient supervision. In each of Ana Grey's and Louie's defense, both are alpha personality and Sully is a follower.

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544.jpgWe have a african grey congo a blue fronted amazon and two cockatiels. Corky our grey and Cricket our amazon are out together suppervised and they have a tolerate each other attitude. We never have the tiels out with them because Cricket the zon has had a trouble with smaller birds in the past so we don`t take the chance.

Cricket is about 14 years old and we have had her for two years and Corky is 10 and she has been with us all her life. They talk to each other all day long and it`s fun to listen too

Corky and Cricket are in picture 3 together



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I would have to say that most of us have more than one bird and lots of us have more than just 2 or 3 so we have learned how to manage having them out together or however it works with them but you will figure it out from their reactions, just observe them when they are close to see what happens.

You would introduce them slowly allowing them to go at their own pace to see how they react, you might find they will coexist very nicely but in all probabilities they will tolerate each other but it sounds like you have already made up your mind so keep us informed.

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Okay, here's my story: we got our first grey (a tag) at 9 weeks. When she was 2 1/2 years old, I adopted a grey (cag) who was 2 1/2 years old and we were her 4th and forever home. Both greys tolerate each other, but never play together, they co exist. Neither one bullies the other, my tag just knows that our cag is bigger and she will allow the cag to dominate the relationship. Besides, our tag is an incredible flyer and the cag had her wings clipped when she came to us . When ,they were both 4 years old, we bought a yellow crowned amazon who was 6 months old. All 3 are female.


They all get along, they don't preen each other or anything like that. All 3 will perch on my at night for cuddles, and I do carry them upstairs or downstairs at the same time. I look like a walking tree perch!! My amazon will try and dominate the perches in my house, but I have so many, that it doesn't really matter to the others as my house has hanging perches, tree stands every where so there is always somewhere else to fly to. Yes, I feel like I live in a giant cage at times......


In the morning, my amazon and tag will fly all thru the house chasing each other from perch to perch, they have a good time, my tag usually starts it and my amazon just loves to play! My amazon is noisy, but I love it! The more I talk, the more and louder she gets! Fun to listen too!

My amazon LOVES music, she sings as much as she can whether or not she knows the words. The louder, the better! I LOVE my greys, but there is no better entertainment than an amazon. They do tend to get into things more than a grey, they act, then think, opposite of a grey. It's like having a toddler!!!! But I attribute that to her turning 2.


What ever you decide, I am sure you will make the right decision. But let me tell you, amazons are a blast! But then again, she hasn't hit that hormonal time........


One more thing, when a grey bites, it cuts you as I am sure you know, when an amazon bites, it feels more like vice grips, not sharp like a grey, but the pressure.......yikes!! :)

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Great story! Your description just whets my appetite for more bird joy in the house. I am certainly a long way from getting bird number three, but I am definitely contemplating it for the future. Your timeline too, sounds about like mine for getting another bird. I love to sing along to music and it would be great if I had a duet partner!

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