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In the end, it is very simple. If you, key87, come to terms with some of your issues, which are obviously here or we wouldn't react,..and prevail, you'll stay, post pictures of your birdies, talk to us, calm down, get the benefits.... It will be that obvious.

Don't be disqouraged, don't get wind up or think we don't want you here. Life always throws at you the lesson you need to learn at that very moment. We''ll help :-)

If you can't set aside what is troubling you, noone will say to you anything even remotely related about what you are interested in and you'll still have the same issue (...and I am not talking about answers about breeding) troubeling you .

So, be a bit more eloquent than "ooooooooooooooo!" and tell us what you think :-)

Have you read some of the other threads on other topics? What do you think about my last post-a 10 year plan?


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As you have stated that you are only 23 years of age whats the rush to get into something that requires lots of thought and research to get started in, my opinion is if you are truly serious you won't rush into doing something until you have all the facts and have thoroughly researched the subject of greys and what all it takes to get started in breeding and frankly you haven't shown much maturity so far so why should anyone here take you seriously. Stick around for a while, share your birds with us, let us get to know you better and give us a reason why we should think you are worth taken seriously.

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im not trying to make money off birds at all which i have said a few times, im against imported wild birds i am infact a member of one of the organisations over in england and thats were i got the idea of breeding british reared greys so there are more in the country but now its something im not going to do, im going to stick with the parrakeets that i have and take in whatever i learn

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I spend many more hours on this forum than I really should but have loved every minute of it up until this thread. The meaning behind written words can so easily be misinterpreted so I may very well be completely off base, but I feel that Kieron (key87) has been bullied, belittled, and misunderstood. He repeatedly stated that he knew he needed to do more research. After several harsh posts, he continued to thank everyone for their comments. As it turned more and more dramatic, it just became ridiculous to me. I feel that his cynicism was warranted, and am amazed that he continued to return to the website and respond to each comment, except for two, with explanation and thanks. When he stated that this was a hobby for him and not a means for making profit, I took it to mean just that, that he is interested in breeding these birds due to his love for them, not to turn a profit. I have to respect that. Dave's second post was very well put. This really isn't a forum for information on breeding. Why couldn't that have just been said in a kind way from the beginning and then left alone? But after that post, it just went on and on. You don't teach people by being negative or talking down to them. It got to where every time I checked my email and saw that someone else had posted on this thread, my stomach turned with dread. By the time Kieron had posted the ooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! post, I was right there with him and completely understood. I LOVE this forum and have not experienced this in the year that I have been following it. I would like to personally thank Morana and Judy for their much more positively stated posts. And again, I may be completely off base, but this was how I interpreted the things that were being said in this thread.


To Kieron, I deeply apologize for not having said something sooner. As I said, I LOVE this forum, I LOVE having access to knowledgeable grey owners who can give me advice, share my ups and downs of being owned by greys, and recently I have relished playing in the silly game room with Ray P, Birdnut, and Luvparrots, so I did not want to do anything that would ostracize me from this forum. If we are lucky, we spend our entire lives learning and growing. I hope this experience hasn't thwarted you, and that you continue research and grow in your knowledge of these amazing birds.

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WThanks very much buffy, I've tossed and turned in bed at night and wondered what I should do I'm going to leave it for a while get more knowledge on breeding the greys but everyone on here as been a good help just some are more in love with there birds than others but like you also stated it isn't a breeding forum I've now joined a breeders forum and there's a lot of help and advice from breeders all over the world and the main advice they give me is "you will never learn until you have got a good pair of greys" with is quiet obvious thanks for the support .

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Many times the scenario of a thread is imcomplete. I've seen this hundreds of times and I'll give an example. This subject has to do with breeding but this example happens in loads of otrher subjects in other areas in threads that are in many rooms here.


1--the original thread starter, no matter what the subject is---- ( I'll refer to that person/persons as A )


A comes to a board and posts what seems like a complete beginning to ending post. It seems like the subject matter has been totally covered.

The repliers ( I'll refer to them as ( B--singular and plural )

Another B sees the post and start to address certain parts of the original post. That reply may be positive or negative.

A then replies to B that this or that does or doesn't exist. A says that the original post wasn'tt mean to be like that and replies to negative answers that B said.

More B then picks out something that the previous poster said and gives a varietion response. It could be positive or negative.

A then adds more to the previous post/posts that wasn't spoken about. It could be any response negative or positive.

More B then picks up on that piece of the post and adds more to the previous posters. It could be positive or negative.

A then responds by defending him/her self about that/those previous post/posts. Almost always, it's the negative things that are said in the previous posts that A responds to.

More B then responds the previous post and or posts and adds their take on it. It could be negative or positive.

A then comes back and addresses the previous post and it's newest take in the previous post. Again, the negative is spoken about in defending what was said.


I could go on and on about A and B but I'm hoping that people here will understand what I'm getting at.

Basically the conversation has wandered off from the actual thread and gone into things that weren't mentioned. Those things are called additions.


Many times, the subject matter goes by the wayside and an answer never happens


In the meantime, the thread starter has spent most of the time painting a fuller picture of a particular situation post by post. If the subject is a touchy one, most of the Bs will come out as the winner because A spent lots of time adding and adding a more complete picture. The bad thing here is that A should have given a more complete description of things and asked many more questions in the origanal thread starter. Most of the time this is done unintentionally.

Sometimes, the end result is a good one. A realizes that he/she has lots to explore and is happy. OR the end result will come out with A feeling that he/she was unnecessarily blasted and leaves.

In this particular thread, only 2 questions were asked by A. So, my response (B) was simply a load of other questions and I left it up to A to choose. This thread ended negatively.

The reason being that A has finally found a breeder's forum. In the US, breeder's forums are usually filled by experirenced people. Is it a good breeder's forum? Not when a response is * all you need is a good pair of breeders*

That basically implies * experimentation*

The US has very strict up to date laws concerning parrots including exporting and importing parrots. We have government rules about that. Other countries don't and that includes the UK, so I will say that when A says that other countries are far ahead of the US, that's a falsehood and even people in the UK and other countries are trying to amend their own rules. I know this is a fact. I'm in contact with people in the UK and other countries for years and years. In fact, many people from many countries wind up coming to US boards for the final complete information.


Again I'll say that many people do that here in different sections and on other boards about loads of subjects and it'll never lessen or stop and many times, the thread goes by the wayside.

Edited by Dave007
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Buffy: No worries. The forum is about communication, and sometimes that includes speaking ones mind. I, for one, would not be playing around in the silly game room if I took myself that seriously. :)


But I will hazard a comment here (and then duck)........


I think part of what is causing reservations in some members is this person's young age. I have always said that most people make the most important decisions they will ever make in life before they are really old enough: whom to marry and what kind of work they will do. A wise friend of mine once said that a young man doesn't really know who he is or what he wants until he's 30. Morana has made some excellent points about life and the turns it can take. At the age of 23, a young life is just full of potential that can bust out in any direction, often in unanticipated directions. This young person may be the exception, but there is plenty of reason to raise these questions when considering a path that involves heavy responsibility and a long-term commitment,


It may also be that it is the enthusiasm and confidence of youth that is coming across as rashness here. Some of us, myself included, are old curmudgeons who feel that life has taught them all there is to know. When the two meet on a subject that both care passionately about ..... bam!!!


Everyone is here with a good heart and deep love and respect for these amazing birds. Some of us have seen the terrible consequences of ill-begotten intentions, and when we think we see another one coming, we throw up our hands and cry, "No! Stop!" No one can be blamed for their passionate reactions. But remember that we have the opportunity to use our experience to guide another person only as long as that person is listening, and only one wise beyond 23 years will continue to listen if they feel they are being attacked.


Key87 is stopping and doing some real thinking and considering before moving ahead. I think that is a good outcome.

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I think we all learned through a ton of trial and error, formal education and then trial and error with that. In the later years, we learned to lighten up, see things from other perspectives by listening to our peers, that we once thought were mortal enemies because we thought our way was the only way.


Every great person became great at what they are known for through trial and error. Some keep learning and refining, some learn enough to get them by and stay at that level and some try and just give up. The world is full of all the various levels and we all learned something from each type person on our way down the path of enlightenment, understanding and wisdom.


So ask all the questions you wish, before you think you know it all. :)

Edited by danmcq
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And for my last two cents worth on this subject:


Buffy - one of the reasons many of us seem to jump quickly on the inexperienced, inquisitive, and somewhat youthful key87 is that we have seen many come to this forum as impostors who wish to glean information for the purpose of selling it/posting it as an authority on the subject and thus creating a completely different set of problems other than an over eager newbie who wishes to accomplish in a few months what takes years to actually achieve. If we weren't so compelled to look out for the benefit of the parrots we are owned by and those others out in the world we wouldn't be so quick to judge. It is a passion and compassion that we all have and a commitment that none of us have taken lightly. Would you be willing to get a new grey from a breeder who didn't have a clue?


Dave - thanks for your wonderful insights. You are the MASTER! We should have taken your comments as all that needed to be said and all of us kept our two cents worth out of the question.


Ray - I'm joining the ranks of the old, and I still don't know much about being young, so this old stuff is gonna be h*ll!


Dan - always the one who keeps us asking questions - thanks for your brilliant guidance.



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