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hi all, im wondering if anyone can help......im thinking of buying a breeding pair of african greys because i love them to bits ive already got a hand reared grey, but would like to breed a pair so i need advice before i rush into things ive been told that the best cage is the smallest is this right?. i need to know which is the best food to feed the pair and what kind of cage/flight and what size, ive already got a avairy which is 6ft X 8ft is this big enough? if any breeders out there can help please do so!.

thanks kieron!;)

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You need to do a great deal more research before committing to breeding and raising these birds. So much involved in feeding the best possible foods, daylight length, humidity reading the birds body language, experience and knowlege to do it well requires real commitment, time and experience.

Edited by Greywings
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Do you knowhow to hand feed< have you experience in that area? Do you know what to look for with hand rearing, how to handle a breeder pair? They are much different than just owning a grey. There is much info here, but it is a risk for the babies, also, there is no guarantee that your pair will be successful breeders.

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yeah ive got 6 years exp with handrearing i used to breed parakeets which yes i know is completly different but i handreared there chicks, i dont plan on handrearing the chicks if i dont need to im intrested in trying to get more british breeding pairs instead of imported pairs, i just want a little info on what size there flight needs to be because ive read they need be 3x3 cubes then ive read they need a 6ft long avairy with flight then people say they dont need a flight, i know about lighting ive got an automatic dimmer connected to a spectrum light running off a solar panel so i think im sorted with the lighting

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Do you know how old a pair of grey breeders must be before they can mate?

Do you know what special dietary needs for breeders?

Do you know what kind of personality breeder greys must have?

Do you know what type of attitude exists with breeders towards each other?

Do you know what type of area and needs a pair of breeders require?

Do you know what their possible attitude is towards other pet birds?

Do you know anything about the pair's bonding with each other?

Do you know whether a pair of breeders will be friendly with their owners?

Do you know whether incubation is the normal thing to do?

Do you know how to deal with greys that won't let you near their chicks?

Do you know how to deal with breeders after mating season is done?

Do you know how to use incubators when they're needed?

Do you know anything about the special nestboxes that are needed?

Do you know whether breeding, handfeeding and raising budgies is the same as dealing with much larger parrots? Because if you don't know that, I'll tell you that there's a world of difference.

Do you know how many times grey breeders will mate in a year?

Do you have medical kits that are needed to use on injured breeders or their chicks?

Do you have a special vet called Avian Vet that will always be there when needed?


Well, you wanted to know. These are just some simple questions that people who breed greys usually know about and it takes a lot of time to learn them. All of the above are much more important then what size area they need.

Edited by Dave007
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thanks dave that was a lot of questions... i know the answers to them all but two, i just need to no the area and there dietry needs, if everyone would read the question i asked properly thats what i am asking for ive studied breeding them for 6 month and learned quite alot about breeding greys, im just reading lots of different thing about the area they should be kept in and what foods/veg/fruits plus there calcium etc

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There's really very little information that you will get here concerning breeding pairs of greys. There are people here that breed greys but don't give out information when they feel that the people who are asking aren't experienced. Nothing personal here but the welfare of chicks, adolescents and adults are very important to us. This board is basically for people who own pet greys of all ages be they well, injured, old, young, weaned, unweaned, clipped, unclipped, food diets etc etc. We have many stickys here in each room and you can benefit by reading as much as you can.

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IMHO, this forum represents people who passionately share their life with these beautiful creatures, love them, care for them, go on the limb for them and basically, they are people who can't imagine their life not being intertwined with everyday pranks of their companion birds. Knowing that for the people on this forum love, health care, birds happiness and lot more is the most important thing, take a moment to realize how precious this is. These people have the knowledge, compassion and interest for everyone who has their birds well being in mind. With that said, I'm gonna cross a line here. I am very new here and I just speak for myself: I have my Grey for 8 years now and I can tell you that I sure as hell didn't sit on my ass and did not research about my bird but still I can tell something is lacking. That is how I found this forum. However, I can also tell you that only recently (two years ago) my perspective about what Grey's (or any birds life) should be changed dramatically. I would even go so far to say I didn't know hardly anything before. Hell, when I read this forum, I can say I hardly know enough now- because there is so much more to learn. But the most precious and important thing that I have working for me is that realization: I still don't know nearly enough! This allows me to be humble and ask for help because I do need it; allows me to learn through other peoples stories/threads and most important, because of my awareness, I put my birds well being before everything. Now, you don't need to be humble, you may know more now than I will learn in next six months.. You just need to recognize that six months worth research isn't good enough. At least not for what you are planing here. Another problem is, you wanted an advice from us, but at the same time, you provided so little information about yourself and your Grey, so of course people are a bit suspicious and mistrustful-you seem to be in a hurry! Like, give me my answers and I'll be on my merry way.. We want to be sure you are doing right, whatever you are trying to do. Personally I want to be sure that you'll keep in touch and let us know about everything that is going on. Don't get me wrong, if you triumph we'll celebrate and feel joyful with you, but if you have questions or problems we want you to share this too. Well being of the birds comes first! This is a big flock, and I think I can say this for everyone here, we wold be glad if you would decide to belong here.

Please, whatever you decide, remember lives are at stake here. Happiness of one the most beautiful creature in the world is on the line every time you take things in your hands.

Edited by Morana
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Thanks Morana for speaking your mind as I share your thoughts on the subject, it does take lots of research to learn enough to start breeding greys and you can never learn too much, I also find that the more I learn the more I find I don't know so it is a continuing process.

Dave was just trying to tell you it is not an easy process to learn how to breed greys and he is an expert on the subject as he has been breeding them for many years. Please excuse his cynicism for we all have seen this before of people who come to the forum thinking they just put two birds together and viola they have babies.

If you are serious about breeding greys then please do learn all you can and if you prove successful then I will be one of the first to congratulate you but the health and well being of the birds come first.

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One more foot note on breeding, my viewpoint is from volunteering at an Exotic bird Sanctuary near my home. I can tell you how many phone calls we get from people who want to surrender their birds into life long care and getting no room available as an answer. We currently have a dozen Greys from as many backgrounds. Deaths or illness of the people who loved them, allergies, advancing age, being transferred over seas, loosing their homes and on and on. So do think hard before producing more birds who have no soft landings who may find a home initially only to loose it unexpectedly.

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hi again, i understand were your all coming from i wouldnt trust a beginner myself, but alls i do all day is reserch on how to give a breeding pair the best i can give and there isnt alot out there to help thats why i thought of coming to a african greys forum to see if any breeders can give me the best advice they can give im in no hurry in buying greys but i really want to try it some day i will do years of reserch if i have to im only 23 ive got years to give it shot but when ive got people trying to put me off it winds me up because its an hobby for me unlike most breeder who do it to make a profit out of hand reared chicks to me thats just wrong but i cant stop that, alls i asked for was a little advice from someone who new what they were doing example dave, but he must like the though of a beginner giving it a shot, but i belive i will be succesfull in breeding a pair it may take years before i buy a pair but it will happen

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Well it is nice to know that you are serious about it, but don't feel frustrated for people trying to put you off. It is normal because so many have tried and failed and birds suffer. To be perfectly honest, I don't want anyone else to breed more birds because of what Greywings said. Too many birds are mistreated, abused and without a home. If anyone is a true parrot/bird lover, including you, should first try to help those birds anyway they can by adopting, educating people, raising money for the shelters where some of the birds are kept,... Consider that as your calling. It is extremely hard and noble. But whatever you decide, stay with us and try to learn as much as you can.

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i would love and i mean love to take in abandoned grey it would make me feel so good to no that i can help these birds and give them the best time of there lives forever but i dont no if your from england but i dont know if abandoned greys is that much of a problem, i live in a very large property with lots of room for greys so i would love to do it, i have a silly tame CAG and a TAG and im in love with the two birds im there best friend they come to work with me everyday because i dont want them getting board and start plucking im a courier and they are happy as ever being drove round the country from 9-5, i no what greywing says is true but people buy handreared greys because they see them in shop and think "wow i want one" then further down the line they think there to noisy, dusty and they make a mess, ive got a mate who did it then i came in and took his TAG from him and now hes happier than ever, im not trying to make enemis on this site i was just making sure i was making the right choice, i feel confident about doing it and would love to do it but with all the comments from this forum i think its only right to do more reserch and see if my confidence grows even more, so i just want to say thanks to all the people who have commented, you have all opened my eyes a little more than they were, THANKYOU!!!!

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i would love and i mean love to take in abandoned grey it would make me feel so good to no that i can help these birds and give them the best time of there lives forever but i dont no if your from england but i dont know if abandoned greys is that much of a problem, i live in a very large property with lots of room for greys so i would love to do it, i have a silly tame CAG and a TAG and im in love with the two birds im there best friend they come to work with me everyday because i dont want them getting board and start plucking im a courier and they are happy as ever being drove round the country from 9-5, i no what greywing says is true but people buy handreared greys because they see them in shop and think "wow i want one" then further down the line they think there to noisy, dusty and they make a mess, ive got a mate who did it then i came in and took his TAG from him and now hes happier than ever, im not trying to make enemis on this site i was just making sure i was making the right choice, i feel confident about doing it and would love to do it but with all the comments from this forum i think its only right to do more reserch and see if my confidence grows even more, so i just want to say thanks to all the people who have commented, you have all opened my eyes a little more than they were, THANKYOU!!!!


I am not from England. I am from Croatia, so that would be in your neighborhood ;-)

What you have written now makes more sense. You won't make enemies on this site. Actually, the fact people are writing to you means they care. And another thing... I think I read somewhere you said you are 23 years old...(?) I admire your enthusiasm but if this is a destiny for you, it will be here still after, say, a decade. Let me explain.. When I was your age I thought I won't get married or live with anyone (don't ask me why ;-) ) so having a Grey made perfect sense. But somewhere along the way my life changed so drastically I can't even begin to explain. Many things happened. Now I live with my boyfriend (for couple of years now) and having a Grey seems like a complication. We will eventually move to a bigger place (when I get a job) but I am still waiting on that. Before my boyfriend, the apartment we're in seemed big enough for Zak and me. Now it is way too small. And imagine one more thing. I am still a student. Why? Because I developed so many health issues I wasn't able to go to college and was forced to pause for 5 years (altogether)!!! So, my point is: things don't turn out as you expect them to. I had plans and it all went straight to hell. You don't know where you'll be tomorrow. I'm not saying "be scared because you may die tomorrow", I am saying, maybe you'll get married, have kids, or travel, or whatever, and what would then happen to your birds? Learn hard and live your future and around 30-35 if you have same wish, same ambition, equal possibilities, then why not! If it is your destiny, it won't go away. In the meantime, there are soooooo many people that need to be educated and prevented from harming their birds. I applaud you on saving and caring for your birdies! Right on! :-)

One more thing to consider, you may want to think about working for some breeder. Maybe you would learn even more and partially fulfill your dream right now.


And now I think it is time to present your birdies to us :-) Names, pictures,... so we can admire another new member of our flock! :-)

Welcome! :-)

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I know nothing about breeding, but I do know that more than enough of these birds find their way into the hands of people who have zero right in owning a Grey. So I can understand the reservation of those on this site with regards to getting someone started in breeding.

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Welcome to the forum Key87. Hope to hear more from you. England is always so far ahead of the United States in its animal welfare legislation and general attitude toward pet ownership, so it does not suprise me that you do not have the large number of birds available to be rescued that we do in the United States. I live in a rural area in the South, and I constantly see Greys being available for rehome. I was actually looking on three rescue sights today. They were filled with Greys. With that being said, I am a bit of a hippocrit because I bought both of my babies from a reputable breeder. Her knowledge and ability to answer endless questions was pivotal in helping me get through my first year as an african grey mother. I wish you the best of luck. Being a passionate bird lover manifests itself in many ways. Some people rescue, some breed, and some just have their pets. However, we are all blessed with the devotion of our fids, our strong connection and understanding of our fellow bird lovers, and the ability to empathize with the trials and tribulations of being owned by parrots.


And I second what Morana said: Introduce us to your current flock!

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hi thanks for the welcomes, i tried to load pictures last night to introduce my two greys but it keeps giving me and error message i will see what i can do later but first there name are pluck and charlie they are 4 & 8 years old, pictures later thanks

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im only 23 ive got years to give it shot but when ive got people trying to put me off it winds me up because its an hobby for me


The above statement you have made is the biggest reason you will not get information from people on this forum regarding the breeding of greys. They are not hobbiest. The breeders who give advice on this forum are dedicated to the birds that they breed, the quality of the breed and the health of the breed. They don't take their positions lightly when giving advice. Most offer advice that is decades in the making and is cherished by those of us who have companion birds. It seems to me that you are here to glean information without really doing the work, and 6 months of research is a drop in the bucket to what it really takes to learn about any subject.

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Apologies if my interpretation of the gravity of the situation is out of proportion...but....I think you need to tone back the defensiveness. It only makes what you are trying to do here more suspect. My call is that you are trying to make money off birds. That is what I get from your attitude. I don't feel the compasion for birds and find the things you say to suggest so quite scripted for a community of people who really do love birds. Your urgency to get started is rediculous...and I have a feeling that you will get no help here. The breeders on this forum...and there are very few....are extremely committed and have stories to tell that communicate the fact that they are quite in love with birds. Your cynicism toward this community and it willingness to help is a big red flag.


As for help...I would suggest this. You have posted 10 times....some are sarchastic and cynical posts. I would suggest showng us that you have a real connection with greys before shunning us for being extremely cautious. We here are bird lovers from another level. Our birds are family. We respect them an incredible amount. We recognize this in those who share that connection. We do not see that here.

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