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Murphy's new life skill


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Well Murphy has developed a new life skill essential for a parrots survival even though he doesn't need it in my house. :rolleyes:


He has learnt to forage by going down onto the seed catcher round the bottom of his cage & poking his head through the gap to grab some dropped food.


For a while, I was noticing little piles of eaten food accumulating in a certain spot on the floor just outside the cage & then I spotted this little grey & red butt sticking out. Mystery solved, check out the pics.


"Waste not want not!"

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Edited by reggieroo
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Our cages don't have shin busters, er, I mean seed catchers. But the birds sure do gather round when I'm changing the paper and try to grab for dropped goodies. In the process, they scatter feathers and hulls everywhere with their wings. Then they think it's a great game to grab at and tear and scurry about under the clean papers I'm trying to put down. Grrrrrr.

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