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Willow is mauling Leo


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Just a hypothetical---If you had two children and one was physically hurting the other, you would separate them right? You probably would, even considering that the children have been together since they were babies.

I think the health and well-being of your hypothetical children is more important than what their room (their cage is the bomb) looks like! You probably can get an additional cage relatively inexpensively on Ebay.


Thanks for your opinion.


EDIT: and if I had two children sharing a room and kid #1 was hurting kid #2, I'd apply some whoop ass to kid #1 until it stopped, so that analogy doesn't really work.

Edited by Lambert58
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I don't have nothing new to say except, don't let them preen, or to be exact, don't let Willow to pluck Leo's feathers!


I don't know if it's their age or what, but Leo, Mr. Self Confident, gets all googley-eyed when Willow rolls up with her little sexiness. Willow is... how to describe it... the spoiled princess. around the house. Won't let my wife get near her, and I'm the only one she tolerates or listens to. Leo is full on snugglemonster. I think you're correct in that the best solution is not letting willow near him when he starts to get warm and fuzzy. That's when daddy steps in for scritches.


I'm all over this! :P

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I know you are a very loving and caring parront. All anyone has to do is read your posts to know that you have your birds' best interests at heart. I only have one grey, one ekkie, one amazon not two of the same kind. So I relate it to the relationship between Ana Grey and Louie. Both birds are headstrong and independent, both want to be the "top dog". In the beginning, I had to constantly watch these two alpha birds to see that they did no real harm to each other. If they lunged for each other I had to intervene, watching constantly and telling them, to "stop that" "be nice" "be good" and removing for awhile perches or Atoms they fought over. It took 4 months of vigilance and constant reminders to both of them to be good. I never punished one over the other just corrected the one causing the disruption at the time with words. Of course, they never really hurt each other just a lunge or flight toward, if they had ever attempted to inflict real harm I would have had to see that only one was out of their cage at a time and that is not something I wanted to do. I would never try to put them in the same cage as we each need or own space from time to time. One thing I always keep in mind is that they can inflict permanent damage to each other and that is something I would not want for any parront to have to live with. Ana Grey and Louie tolerate each other now and have a kind of respect for each other although I still watch them constantly and insert a "be good you two" now and then to remind them of their expected behavior. I know you will find the right solution for your greys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update: Leo is regrowing his feathers just fine from his haircut :) There haven't been any further instances of a Willow Makeover.


I think Willow just wants to be a hairdresser! She does my wife's hair when she lands on her head (By "does" I mean she makes a total disaster of it lol).

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