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Dont fear the bite!


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LOL thought I'd share this funny exchange Cosmo and I had last night.


Over the last few weeks Cosmo has started nipping. Not full on biting, but threatening with his beak to get what he wants. Hes found this works with my Wife and Daughter as they will flinch back at the slightest show. With myself however he doesnt bother because I dont react. I make my living turning wrenches...smashed and bloody fingers/knuckles is just part of my day.


Cosmo has pretty much free roam in his room(my office) but knows there are a few places he is not allowed to go. One of the biggies is on top of my computers. They have large fan openings on the top which means if he poops on them it will go down into the computer. Usually when he hops up on one it takes a simple calm "ah ah, get down from there" and hell fly off. The second warning is always "ah ah, want to go in the cage?". Usually he wont push it, because he knows the third time is a trip to the cage for timeout.


Well last night he was fiesty and wanted to test me I guess. He kept jumping up on top of the computer. The first two warnings went as usual, but both times he responded with a loud "clack!"(I think its a grey curse word) before jumping off. The third time he jumped up and immediately turned to me and gave a loud "Clack!". I asked "You want to go in your cage?" to which he responded with an even louder "CLACK!!" and stood up really tall and puffed out his chest. I stood up from my office chair and he immediately hissed and put his wings up really high(think vampire pose) and showed his beak. I said "oh really?" and reached for him with both hands at which point he screams bloody murder and tries to run for dear life. Too late. I've got one hand over his wings(so he cant fly) and the other under his belly. I carry him over to his cage and place him inside. As the door closes he turns and gives me an indignant "WHAT?!" as though he has no idea what he did wrong.

It took all the willpower I had to get out of the room before bursting into laughter. This little guy cracks me up...even when being naughty :D

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  Mawnee said:
It took all the willpower I had to get out of the room before bursting into laughter. This little guy cracks me up...even when being naughty :D


Sometimes I swear that's a built in survival mechanism. LOL I'm pretty sure it's the reason Phenix in particular has outlived some of his shenanigans.

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What a great story. Totally loved it. Ana Grey will do the "I'll really in charge" act with me now and then and I do the same snatch and grab with her and she always loses. After a little time in her cage she is good as gold and very loving for a while at least. Great story made my day and what a great giggle!

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I don't get much practice with Josey for she hardly ever bites and when she has it has been mild, more of like a pinch that hurts but doesn't break the skin, I don't pull back or yell at her when she does for that would only encourage her for the reaction she gets. Mawnee, thanks for sharing your story with us.

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