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did your bird like you.....


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when you first got your baby grey, did he/she like you? LOL Weird question i know, but i was just wondering. Either an older one or a baby, did he/she just really not like you? HAHA and what did you do to help build that relationship, or does he/she still not like you?

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I had the choice of four weaned young greys. I talked to the breeder at least once a week and she decided the youngest, which I named Sweetpea would be the best for me as Sweetpea was the quietest and most mellow of the four. I of course was delighted. When all four greys were finally weaned I drove a few hours to go get Sweetpea. The breeder, Millie, took Sweepea from the cage and she immediate bite me and ran back into the cage. The next one was calm and liked to sit on my hand and was the oldest. The next two just totally ignored me and wanted back in the cage. I asked for the second back and she stayed with me and the breeder, my grandson and I decided this was my grey and she had chosen me. I was disappointed as I had my heart set on the youngest, but the oldest was the one who chose me and it was the right decision and I was grateful for the wisdom of Millie to bring the babies out one at a time to present me to them.

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It was love at first sight.

Corky was in a group of about 6 babies and when she saw us she ran over to the wife run up her arm and took a big poop.

She made a clame of her territory and we left a depossit

Edited by Ray P
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when you first got your baby grey, did he/she like you? LOL Weird question i know, but i was just wondering. Either an older one or a baby, did he/she just really not like you? HAHA and what did you do to help build that relationship, or does he/she still not like you?


Ohh yes...Issac was the grey in the clutch that was really into me. It was why I picked him too. I would set him at one end of the couch...and go sit down at the other end just to watch him waddle up to my chest in all of his excitement. Ahhh the days before flight....so precious. LOL. If you look to the left at my avatar...you will see what I mean. ;)

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LOL i am looking for a breeder in Oregon, hoping that i can get to see the babies, and get aquanted (SP) LOL with them first. But Im not holding my breath!! HAHA Its so funny that Corky was pretty adament about marking you :) She definately wasnt going to let you leave without a piece of her hahahha ElvenKing, that is so great!! I cannot wait for the time when my baby will run to me with such excitment of just being with me.........IM SO EXCITED!! LOL Thanks everyone!!!!!

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I didn't have the choice as my baby was picked out by someone else but she didn't take to me right off the bat but soon bonded to me after I brought her home, I was able to visit her while she was being weaned. Its nice when one out of a clutch picks you but I don't think it matters that much, once you bring him/her home the bonding starts.

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we picked Rudy from the breeder , their was 2 other babies but Rudy came to me right away so I decided she was the one , Cody was the last baby left becuase of his foot problem no one seemed to be interested in him so we decided to take some money and go look at him, it was love at first site for me and hubby and he was such a cuddle bug , even with his foot turned the way it is he really gets around good now and he is our baby for life :)

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LOL i am looking for a breeder in Oregon, hoping that i can get to see the babies, and get aquanted (SP) LOL with them first. But Im not holding my breath!! HAHA Its so funny that Corky was pretty adament about marking you :) She definately wasnt going to let you leave without a piece of her hahahha ElvenKing, that is so great!! I cannot wait for the time when my baby will run to me with such excitment of just being with me.........IM SO EXCITED!! LOL Thanks everyone!!!!!


Just show them that you want to love them and one will surely accept.

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I didn't get the chance to meet Murphy while he was being weaned but chose him over the phone because I wanted a boy & the breeder had one boy & one girl. She kept me up to date with pics every week & an update on his progress week by week. On the day he was ready for collection, I was so happy I couldn't get there quick enough & it was round trip of over 400 miles so took a while. When I arrived Murphy was 12 weeks old & sat on a table top stand waiting to meet me, I approached him slowly talking nice & soft to be greeted with a very slight African grey growl. I gave him a few minutes to get used to my presence & walked over to him again, asked him to step up & he amazed me by doing it straight away. He then stayed on my hand for the whole duration I was there, showing no signs he wanted to get off, he even let me put a harness on him. The rest as they say is history! :D

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Phenix was older, wild caught, sick & had been abused. He hated the whole world & I was no exception.


Unfortunately, he had to be treated immediately; long before he had the chance to settle in or got to trust me. Which made things even harder.


But I understood & respected that even though it was a lot easier to do some days than others. Because we basically had everything against us, it took extra time & patience. And I've always thought, a great deal of courage on his part.


I did everything I could to show him that my only agenda was to give him a happy, healthy life. Eventually, we made some baby steps & some giant steps & started on a 20 yr journey that I wouldn't have traded for anything.

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Our breeder met us halfway on a highway(long drive) and only brought one baby so we didnt get to choose. Cosmo was very young at the time at only 4.5 weeks but was calm and very aware. He just looked around and observed us like "Eh..no big deal". He galdly accepted neck rubs from anyone that would offer. His calm, friendly demeanor convinced us to take him home. Hes 9 months old now and still friendly with the whole family. We can all handle him and give him attention. There was a period a few months ago where he did not like my 13 year old daughter. She had a habit of being too loud and moving too quickly near him. After teaching her to be more careful about these things he came back around and gladly lets her handle him again.


*disclaimer* I do NOT recommend taking home an unweened baby. It is A LOT of work(no really a lot) and there are many things that can go wrong. You literally have to completely rearrange your schedule around a baby this young. It will wear you down not getting to sleep more than 4 hours at a time for many weeks. We knew what we were getting into and were prepared for it, but I dont want others to see I did it and think it is "doable" for them. Please just find a good breeder and visit your baby until its weened. :)

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Phenix was older, wild caught, sick & had been abused. He hated the whole world & I was no exception.


Unfortunately, he had to be treated immediately; long before he had the chance to settle in or got to trust me. Which made things even harder.


But I understood & respected that even though it was a lot easier to do some days than others. Because we basically had everything against us, it took extra time & patience. And I've always thought, a great deal of courage on his part.


I did everything I could to show him that my only agenda was to give him a happy, healthy life. Eventually, we made some baby steps & some giant steps & started on a 20 yr journey that I wouldn't have traded for anything.


Wow, you have your birdie for twenty years!?

The story is heartwarming. I am so glad that there are kind people, like yourself:-)

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That's a heart warming story birdhouse, sad start but a nice ending.....well done for all the hard work it must have took. Very touching when a human goes out of their way to look after a sick & very unhappy creature to make their life whole again. :)


Thank you Reggieroo & Morana. :o


All I meant to say though, is no matter how it starts, there's going to be some pretty tough times over the course of a lifetime together. But the reward for committing to a grey can be an astonishing relationship that's so-o very worth the effort.

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Our bird was already 2 months old and had been passed around between breeder, stores, and been "packaged" and transported across the country until she finally ended up at the bird store where we purchased her. She was untrusting and aggressive. The store regulars had nicknamed her "Medusa, one look from her sent other possible owners running. She didn;t hate my husband as much as others so we decided to give her a home and work on her. Once she came home, it only took a month for her to trust us both and love us both. I'm not the #1 favorite, but she loves me now. In fact, I haven't been playing with the past 2 weeks and yesterday she flew off my husband's shoulder and landed on my chest and immediately started snuggling. She had never done that with me before! I was so touched. And then of course felt guilty for not spending time with her....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't have a choice when we got our Talon. She was shipped to us by a breeder 1200 miles away. I had seen pics of her, and she was the only one ready for Xmas, which was a gift for my son. My cag was an unseen, adoption. My amazon, was picked out by my kids at the Bird of Paradise store when we went shopping for bird supplies.


All 3 are bonded to me. As the others have said, when you show them love, trust, respect, and care, they show you that and then some back!

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I am new to greys, and bought a 16 year old fellow I named Axel the day after Christmas. He immediately came to me and stuck his beak in my mouth and nose and ears, and was very very sweet to me.


A week ago, he started biting me (hard) and left a couple of nasty owies, one on my nose and one on my hand. My feelings were crushed. Thanks to the folks here I realized he is 16 and set in his ways. So I sat back and watched, and Axel prefers to come to ME when he wants to, and he does now and then. He's excited and happy to see me, but I let him call the shots when it comes to affection or handling. Within reason (on the handling). I bought a pair of cheap flesh colored leather gloves so he could chomp my finger and I wouldn't yank my hand away and could work with him by giving him a dirty look. Yelling in pain apparently pleases him :D .


So we are still in the "getting to know you" phase, and at his age, he knows what he likes. I have my grey (a LONG time wish) and he is teaching me what he's all about.


I don't worry if he likes me or not because he DID accept me right away. He just prefers me to not maul him or invade his space too much :)

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Well I'm new here and literally new to parrots, and Greys for that matter. I just bought my first parrot, a CAG, yesterday. A two yr old female that needed to be re homed. I went to see her and she let me hold her with no problem. Got her home and the same thing. But about ten minutes later I tried again and wow did she clamp down on my finger. Now she wants nothing to do with me or my wife, and I must admit I'm somewhat afraid of her too. I tried again this morning and the same thing. I guess this is going to be some work, trying to win her love and trust for us. I'm assuming she 's missing her old family, and I'll just have to be patient for now. Any help would be appreciated.:D


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I went to the breeders home and in had a choice of three young females and two five to six month old birds. The older birds were not interested in us, so my daughter and I held the three babies on our laps for about an hour. They were all very friendly and gentle, but one seemed more curious and confident and kept putting things in her mouth...my cell phone, keys, etc. I felt this one was telling me to pick her! It turns out this one is grizzled so is unique! She is an amazing bird with a big personality!

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Congrats Thomas!!! I got my baby last Thursday, so im right there with you LOL Mine is only four months old though, so it may be easier. What we did, was put her on her cage so she could feel it out. Then she went inside, ate a little, then back in. We did our ususal things, sitting on the couch, watching t.v., that sort of thing, and every little bit wed say hi Gabby! Whatcha doin? She was definately listning and would look at us. She is still getting used to us, but i think were doing good so far. Im new at this too, so the only advice i have is what you already gave, be patient :) And Good luck! Keep us posted! And Welcome :)

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