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Cosmo got injured last night.


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Yesterday evening I had Cosmo out playing. He was being a little more hyper than usual and really energetically climbing/jumping/flying around between his cages' playtop and his 7ft playgym. My wife woke up and came into the room to greet everyone(She is an RN and works 12 hour night shifts). She had worked the last two nights so Cosmo hadnt seen her for more than a couple of minutes in nearly 3 days and was VERY happy to see her. He started getting even more rowdy showing off and jumping on/off her to give lots of kisses.


During this he flew from my wife to his playgym at great speed and in his excitement missed his landing on the top perch. Instead he crashed into the wall and slid/flapped down it to the carpeted floor. He quietly stepped up and I set him on top of his cage to have a look at him. He was breathing heavily(no more than after a normal flight), wide-eyed and being very still. I asked him if he was ok and calmly reassured him. I immidiately noticed a small spot of blood on the feathers of his right leg. I muttered a curse under my breath(so cosmo wouldnt hear) and I asked my wife to make sure we have flour(I knew we did but needed the reassurance). I gently touched the blood on his leg and it all wiped right off, this is not where the blood came from. Looking a little closer I found it had come from the underside of the leading edge of his wing. There was a little blood there(a small smear,little more than a drop), but it didnt seem to be running or increasing.

After a couple of minutes of my staring at it Cosmo started to get restless. He began moving around and talking. There was no more blood than when I initially noticed and he seemed unfazed. I put him in his cage to stop him from flying around and risking further injury. Within 5 minutes Cosmo was back to his rowdy self climbing around in his cage talking and asking to come out and play. I apologized that I couldnt let him out and explained he'd have to stay in there the rest of the night as I didnt want him flying. I kept a close eye on him the rest of the night and within a couple of hours I couldnt even find the injury anymore as the blood was gone.


This morning I was greeted by the same happy grey as usual. I put on his cartoons(disney channel)and he was bouncing around happily while I cleaned his cage and got him fresh food and water. We did our normal routine of my giving him a scratch through the bars while he holds one of my fingers with one of his feet. I told him I'll let him come out and play this afternoon when I get home from work. I told him to "Daddy has to go to work, I'll be back in a few hours" and closed the door to his room(my office) to which I recieved the usual response "WHAT?!" "Droid!"(my phone message tone which means "come get me!") :D

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Whoa, glad to hear it doesn't seem to have been a serious injury. I do worry about these heavy-bodied birds when they work up some momentum flying. I guess that can be one of the risks of flying inside a house. Does Cosmo have all of of his flight feathers? I think they usually have pretty good control of their flying if they have all their flights and have fledged well.

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Whoa, glad to hear it doesn't seem to have been a serious injury. I do worry about these heavy-bodied birds when they work up some momentum flying. I guess that can be one of the risks of flying inside a house. Does Cosmo have all of of his flight feathers? I think they usually have pretty good control of their flying if they have all their flights and have fledged well.


Yea, hes never been clipped. Going on 9 months old now. He is a good flyer, we've always allowed him to fly where he pleases. And we encourage him to fly to us rather than us going and picking him up all the time. :) Hes had a few crashes here and there but this was by far the worst yet. I'm sure it wont be the last. I can only hope he always bounces right back up :)

Edited by Mawnee
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