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My grey is 1 what to expect.

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Hello I am new here first time posting and havent totally checked out whole site. Solei is a CAG she was hatched 11/5/09. I had fed her about 4 weeks when I got her. She says Hello Bird and Bird bird bird so far mumbles all kinds of stuff all day.:D she lives in my room on her play yard most of the time but she plays with nothing I am kiinda looking for ideas to get her interactive she always looks bored. I can fill in more as i get some feedback thanks for looking. I am just trying to get ideas on food treats games ect.


lori usa;)

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We have a number of differant types of toys in our birds cage and play stands. Chew toys, foot toyes, Puzzles, Hanging toys and Foraging toys.

Each bird has their favorite soo you need to try all kinds to find out the one they like best.

My fids will play with all of them but there is always one they like best.


PS welcome to the grey forum

Edited by Ray P
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Hi Lori & Welcome to you & Solei.


There's a whole bunch of interesting reading in the "Homemade Toys & Playstands Forum". Some of our members have made some pretty cool things for their fids. They range from pretty extravagant to quick & easy.


Also, there's a recent thread that might be a useful here





Hope you stop back & tell us more about Solei. Maybe post some pics?

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Hello Lori and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Solei, what an unusual but lovely name.

Some greys have to be shown how to play with their toys, take one and play with it yourself in front of her and act like you are having the time of your life as that will usually entice their interest, be sure to include a heavy bell as one of her toys inside the cage as most all of them love to bang away and fight with a bell.

Please do read thru as many of the threads as possible for lots of useful information especially the homemade toys room and be sure to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

Yes we love pictures here so if you have some of Solei you would share with us that would be great.

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Thanks all for the warm welcome and info. I have been scanning and reading on here for a few days now probly should have been doing this months ago or even before I got Solei but I read all the books i could find instead. Im not a huge puter fan. Solei is my first larger bird I had small bids as a child ( all my mom aloud) lol. As an adult I have had quakers blue crowns and now Solei. She is everything I ever hoped for, and it is very important to me to make sure she leads a fufilling life. I dont have tons of one on one time with her but she is always in a room i am in cept when im cleaning lol. I am a rather busy mom to 7 kids 2 under 2, I show dogs also..lol. looking forward to meeting more people and there greys..

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Then you are a busy person with 7 kids, I would imagine you have very little free time.

Does Solei have access to all kinds of toys, does she have a big heavy bell? Some greys have to be shown how to play with toys and most all of them enjoy a big heavy duty bell that they can make noise with and attack. My Josey has one and it is her favorite thing, she plays with it every day, attacking it like it was the enemy but I would never think of taking it out of her cage, its a must have.

Probably the most important thing is that she is where the action is in your home, they like to feel like a part of the "flock"

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