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Anxiety, Spooks, and Injuries


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Georgie is a one and a half year old CAG. I have had him since August of 2009. He has always been a little on the neurotic side. This past summer, he took to diving into the tile floor anytime he was spooked by a random noise, sight, etc. and ended up splitting her sternum. After stitches and lots of time with blankets, pillows on the floor, etc. his chest healed up. He still has the reaction to just dive if he is afraid, however. I have tried to learn to see it coming, to anticipate it, and often times I can, but sometimes... I can't! It's been frustrating and so hard to see him hurt himself. In the past couple of months, he pulled out every single flight feather from only his left wing. It doesn't make any sense. The vet says that anxiety medicine IS an option, but only once we have ruled everything out. I'm just really hesitant to medicate him. She said to try leaving him in his cage at all times when I am not specifically interacting with him (ex: Don't let him sit on the cage with his CAG sister while I change clothes, do laundry, wash dishes, etc.). What do you guys think? If I leave him in his cage, I feel like I am neglecting him. The doc says as long as he has everything he needs to entertain himself and food and water, it is OK. He eats constantly. He seems otherwise healthy. He is a very sweet boy.

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My grey Josey is easily spooked also and I am careful of allowing her to be too high up on anything so there is less distance to the floor but she stays in the family room most all the time and there is carpet on the floor so she has never landed hard enough to split her keel.

I agree, I would be very hesitant to medicate a grey. I would try what your vet recommends to see if there is any improvement.

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wow it must be a grey thing bc jackson gets spooked easy also. ive moved him all around the kitchen to the livingroom where he can see everything as it comes to him. he jumps to the floor also and has broken all his flight feathers on his right side.its so scarry when he does that. i try not to run to him when he does to let him claim down first so, he dont think its a game we have started.i moved him into the livving room with carpet also and he can see all doors.

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