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Meet Georgie


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I'm new here, but I just wanted to share a little about my little guy. :) This is an excerpt from my blog, http://www.twobirdsandus.wordpress.com


Being “owned” by an African Grey can be trying at times… especially when he tends to be on the neurotic side, threatening to pluck his feathers at a moment’s notice or crash dive into the tile floor at the tiniest fright. It can be overwhelming to try an understand how to make him feel safe. Bites can be frustrating. Loud screams can be piercing. But in all honesty, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.


Georgie is one and a half years old, and I have already grown attached to the less-than-a-pound bundle of soft feathers with a big attitude. I come home from work each day and look forward to hearing him screech with delight when he sees me drive up and walk to the door. When I decided to buy an African Grey, I wanted a bird that could communicate with me. Georgie is quiet. He talks, but not that often. What I have learned in the last year is that I do not care— at all. When I first bring him out of his cage in the morning I know he will greet me with the tiniest “beep!” and that says more than an hour of Kyah’s blabbermouthing (Kyah is our other, MUCH LOUDER, CAG). I know what he means based off of his noises, so when he talks to me, it’s really just an added bonus. His kiss noise as he rubs his warm beak against my lips are enough to make anyone fall in love. When he lifts his scaly little foot in the air for me to kiss, he sometimes reaches forward to get his beak in on the action, too. I laugh. He clucks. It’s love. His voice is so tiny and sincere and sweet. He is a perfectionist in everything that he does. What he doesn’t know is that he is already perfect.

Edited by kellync
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