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Is My Baby Close To His First Molt


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So...at my feet I have several little feathers from my preening baby sitting on my shoulder right now. Most grey...a couple of those little red ones from around his butt. I have also been noticing that when I lightly brush over his little neck...I feel pins coming out. Does this mean my lil guy is entering his first molt? He certainly isn't plucking as it appears to be a regular maintenance kind of activity for him...and even though feathers are all over the place...I cant tell where they came from when I look at him. So is he gonna get some brand new feathers? I cannot wait to see the new red ones for the tail...I bet they are so awesome!


I guess this is a good time to share some pics I took of him today.





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Yep, it is that time of year and this will be the biggest, since it is his first. YOu will probably be able to fill a pillow with all those feathers. :P


Dayo's cage bottom has many feathers each day... :)


Nice photos, thanks for sharing them.

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Yep...I was going through Issac's neck feathers while he was preening last night. He was so sweet the way he was letting me inspect. He has a bunch of little blackish pins coming in all around his neck. I get excited when I look because I can't wait to see the shinny new feathers.

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I love the pictures of Isaac. He is very handsome! I know exactly what you mean Kim. I thought Echo would never finish her first molt. It seemed to last forever. Its been 4 months and she is still missing one flight feather on each wing.

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I was wondering about my jackson also. his 9months old and he has those white down feather in the bottom of his cage and a few red feathers also.Love the pics of isaac. my son is named Isaac...


Early on they will loose a lot of those downy feathers. Issac started losing larger ones on a regular basis around 12-13 months. With him it's neck feathers and body contour feathers. Then I saw some tail ones here and there. No wing feathers at all yet.

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Early on they will loose a lot of those downy feathers. Issac started losing larger ones on a regular basis around 12-13 months. With him it's neck feathers and body contour feathers. Then I saw some tail ones here and there. No wing feathers at all yet.


How old is Isaac now? He's very cute!

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