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Quick Question About Red Palm Oil


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.. so I can drip it on pellets or other dry food.. Any other suggestions?

Is it wrong to use it while it is so mushy/solid?


No you can use it while it is semi solid if you like but most greys won't eat it that way, by heating it to make it more liquid you can stir it into softer type foods or drizzle it over veggies, pellets and so forth.


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I tried the palm oil on toast this morning. (Thanks NikB!) I have one of those medicine droppers like you use for babies. This one has a cap over the end of the "syringe" so I put the palm oil in the cylinder and heated it in the microwave. Very easy to drizzle on toast (or anything else)! My Senegal and little macaw ate it easily. Neo my TAG, dropped it to the bottom of the cage. So I put some corn in a bowl, heated that in the microwave and then put some palm oil on the hot corn and let it melt. (Thanks Dan!) Neo is eating the corn.


The moral to this story is, if at first you don't succeed, try something else. :o)

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I agree with Barbara. Try all the methods until you find one that works. I heated it and poured it on food with no luck, tried to give it to them semi-solid with no luck, tried to rub it on almonds with no luck, I even tried rubbing some of it on their favorite plastic foot toys to trick them into eating it with no luck. However, someone posted on here to try refrigerating it and giving it to them in complete solid form. This worked perfectly with one of my greys. He goes nuts when he sees me get it out of the refrigerator. He loves for me to cut a small chunk off so he can hold it in his foot, and eat it up. I still have not found a method that works for my other Grey yet.

Your post brought back memories for me. I had several people recommend red palm oil to me, so I ordered it online, and when it came in, I looked at that mushy stuff and thought what in the world have I ordered!

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Issac loves RPO mixed in with scrambled eggs that I cook for him and over warm Penne noodles. I love watching him pump his little head in excitement as he works on the eggs.


If it solidifies...I find that a quick hit in the microwave will keep it liquid for days after...unless you live in a particularly cold place.

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Thanks so much everyone! I tried giving it solid/mushy and Rocky had NO interest. So now, everyday, I take a half teaspoon and heat it up to make a liquid and mix it in with his new pellets for the day. He has eaten all his pellets just fine so far, so he is getting all of it without knowing it! I keep trying to give him a little not heated up everyday because I think one day he will magically like it, like other Greys on this forum have. That will be easier than mixing it up everyday! Oh and yesterday I gave him an aloe juice misting and he was NOT happy. In fact, he didn't let me pick him up, in fact snapped at me when I tried, and didn't come out of his cage for a good 2 hours afterwards. That really worried me, but today he loves me like nothing happened! I finally found a way he will take a shower, and that is with ME IN the shower. He loves it, so maybe I'll bring the dreaded aloe mister in the tub, try to spray his front side there while he is being drenched by the shower on his back and hope he doesn't attack me!

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Guys help!

yesterday I heated red palm oil and put some of it on pellets and it seems my Zak would rather starve to death than eat the pellets. I also tried introducing RPO with fresh cottage cheese, but no luck there either :-(


Only thing I can think of is put just a tiny drop on some pellets and see if mistakenly eats them.. What do U think?

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Does he like oatmeal? It may blend well in that. I gave Rocky a pringle (he is obsessed with them) with some on it and he even refused that. He is doing good with the pellets though. I would just try tiny amounts at first and work your way up. Apparently it is an acquired taste with Greys from what I can tell.

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So Thumper loves palm oil but Echo refuses so I tried yet again today. Echo loves almonds. I haven't bought almonds in about two months. So, I bought some almonds the other day and was sure that Echo would be so excited to eat almonds that she wouldn't notice the palm oil I had melted over the top. Ummmm, didn't happen. I put the palm oil almonds down, she looked at them and knew immediately that something was wrong. She looked at me like I was the worse person on this Earth. Needless to say, the dogs really enjoyed the palm oil flavored almonds! I'm going to trick her one of these days!

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