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Just to introduce ourselves. My partner and I have an African Grey named Dylan. He will be four on March 17 2011. He is the most beautiful, charming, loving bird you could wish to meet. He is lucky enough in that I live where I work, which ensures he's never short of company at all and all who meet him adore him. Don't get me wrong, he can get a little naughty on odd occassions, but both Frank and I love and adore him and wonder where we would be without him


Best Wishes

Gail, Frank and Dylan x

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Hi frankie8767 and welcome to the forum and as keepers of greys we all know the ODD OCCASSIONS when they like to show themself.

But we love them anyway. and as humans we love pictuers and stories.

We also share the good times and support each other in the not so good times Again welcome

Edited by Ray P
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Hello Gail and Frank and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing lots more about you and Dylan.

Greys do make wonderful companions and Dylan is so lucky to have you around all the time, I bet he is well spoiled but rightly so. They can all be a handful at times and not on their best behavior but then no one is perfect but Dylan sounds like he is a real delight to have around.

If you have some pictures of Dylan you would share with us we would love to see them.

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