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Unwanted ear piercing scream. Help!

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Ok, So I have had Chachi for a month. He is getting very comfortable and I am beginning to understand why his previous owner gave him up. He says a ton of things but he has started doing this loud ear piercing scream! Then He will say “stop it” and “bad girl” even though he is a boy. I understand birds can be loud. I had a grey for 9 years and I only heard this type of scream when she was very frightened. Any advice on how to eliminate this unwanted screaming? (I apologize if this has been a post before. I tried to search and didn’t find anything)


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The most important thing you can do, is NOT respond to it in any way, as you probably know from your previous experience with a Grey.


That is some baggage Chachi came with and obviously enjoyed hearing the previous owners go nuts and scream back. At least it's not curse words. :) I have no doubt it is nerve racking, but with time, love and patience, you will overcome it. That is the reward for taking in a Grey in need of a home due to the previous owners failure and disregard for these sentient creatures intelligence and sensitivity. You get to help and watch them become a friend once again to the human flock and learn that we are not all jerks and morons. :)

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Dan is right on the money, Chachi has some baggage he is unpacking right now and it will take a while for this behavior to subside but ignoring it is the best thing you can do so be very patient with him.

Most greys tend to be quieter than most parrots but he obviously had his reasons he developed the screaming and it will be a while before he learns that not all people are like his previous owners.

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Thank you Judy and Dan, I have a grey owner’s guide book I read as well and it said the same thing. We are all really enjoying Chachi besides the screaming!! I will make sure everyone in the family ignores it all together. And then praise him for good talking. It took about 2 weeks but I am now able to rub his head. :-)

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It will be hard to do I know but it is the only way he will stop or at least lessen the amount of screaming, I am sure the book you are talking about told you to ignore the bad behavior and reward the good, positive reinforcement is what it is called.

You have to think of things in terms of small steps and being able to rub his head is one step, take them as you are able to and patiently wait for the next one, you are doing great.

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i so understand where you are coming from. ive had jackson since he was 7 weeks and now he is screeming. i do yell back at him to be quite after about a hour of it and then i feel so bad thats i did.i dont understand why he does it.i cant fig. out why. i can be in the room doing something and he will. he is very spoiled and i wonder if its bc i doing something and not giving him the att. not sure yet.he has so many toys and play time out of his cage.so i guess i started something too and not sure how to break it..bad baggage.let me know what works with you.i do try to look the other way but i see it makes him screem more and louder..

but on the flip side greys are so much fun and i just love my baby boy.good luck and cong. on ur grey.tanya

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MY Ana Grey does an ear-piercing scream at least once a day. It seems to be her way of clearing her pipes. Once she has done it, she is done for the day with the screaming that is. My ekkie screams to get the lights turned off or to see where I am. Once I turn of the lights of answer back to Sully is is happy and quiet. My zon also has a scream at least once a day, just to clear the air. I ignore the scream or answer back depending on what I think is called for.

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Thank you all for you replies. Today was good; I did not hear any of it. When I heard good talking I would talk to him and praise him. I made him a ton of foot toys and he seems to love them, it gives him something to do. His previous owners never gave him a single toy so he was scared of them at first.

Tanya, I can’t imagine hearing it for an hour! That must be tough.. I will keep you posted on our progress here and give you feed back as it comes. 

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Take a look at this thread. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189518-Murphy-s-high-pitched-shrieking-some-advise-please&highlight=extinguishing or do a keyword search on the forums with the word 'extinguishing' If everyone in the household follows the advice with consistency you can solve this problem, I promise. We're always here for help, and venting! :)

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There must be something wrong with me because we take part in that ritual and enjoy the inter action. It does not last long and than we have our quiet time.

It`s a family thing.


Then since we are all family here, .......(((I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE YOU FEEL LIKE A REAL PART OF IT)))). :P

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