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New baby take a guess!


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OK guys here is my very first baby pic! I'm sorry it is horrible but my camera met a horrible death today on the way to meet the baby * I ran it over with my car!!* LOL Well anyways he is 3 weeks old and I'm super excited only a loong 10 more weeks to go hopefully.. So any guesses what my new bundle of Joy is??

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Yep you got it, lol and I was afraid from the bad pic form my cell that no one would be able to tell at all!! and I am 98% positive its def a boy, but the pins are barely open and only 4 on the right wing are showing green, and one above the vent is red, give it another week and we will defentely know!

I have a million and one questions for you at some point ;) I have been doing a ton of reading and really just need to talk to real people with real birds lol.

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Congrats Bonnie on your new acquistion of a baby eclectus but we didn't have to guess as when I clicked on the pic to see it in a bigger frame it said eclectus pic but I wouldn't have known otherwise.

We do have several members with eclectus parrots, namely one is Janet, aka Luvparrots.

Be sure to indulge us in more pictures as you get them.

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HA! I can't even try to keep a good secret! ooh well!! I have been writing a list of real world questions for Janet, and compiling a list of every other Ekkie owner here ;) Pics will be coming asap, my cell takes bad pics so I am off to ebay to purchase a new camera! This baby has already shown to be the strong, as he outlived his bother/sister, unfortunately the parents were first time parents and only fed one chick instead of both and the breeder didn't have the time to pull the chicks after the first few days.. but once my cousin got to her he pulled both and tried to save the smaller of the 2 but he/she was to far gone :(

And last night when we met for the first time I was amazed how alert and interested he is by us, he slept on my lap for awhile and I got to feed him his supper.. We have to go over today with a new container of formula so I am hoping to get a chance to take a few better pics ;)

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