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Is my CAG a genius??????

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I am new to African Greys and new to this forum. I have a female CAG whom I bought from a breeder at 8 weeks and have been sucessfully hand-feeding. She is now 13 weeks and thriving. I have read a lot about CAG language acquisition, but not too much detail on the other sounds they make. My CAG, Bodhi, began wolf whistling at 9 weeks, then came the "hey you" whistle within a week, then she started copying kissy and clicky noises, and last week she started a big laugh "HAHAHAHAHA." She is very attentive to sounds and seems really interested in everything around her. She is curious, outgoing, and cuddly. Am I wrong to think I have a genius on my hands? or shall I say, on my shoulder? hahaha. If she is going to be a good talker, any advice on how to promote this - I would rather she understand what people and she is saying rather than just mimic words. Thanks!! Gail:)

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Hello Gail and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing lots more about you and Bodhi.

Thats an unusual name but I like it, does it have a special meaning?

I think all greys are geniuses, some more so than others but she is doing great to be just 13 weeks old. They all start out with mimicing all sorts of sounds and whistles which progresses to actual words and phrases. Some do carry on conversations with their owners and though they may not know what the spoken word actually means they do understand more than what most people give them credit for.

You won't have to do anything special to make her more talkative, just carry on a normal conversation with her, telling her what you are doing and using the same words for the same things so she associates that item with that word, we have had some members carry on some interesting talks with their grey that way.

If you have any pictures of her besides the one in your avatar you would share with us we would love to see them, she is a beauty.

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Hi again,

Thanks for the information! There is a funny story about her name. We went to a dog training class with our puppies and the trainer's lab was named "body" but we did not know the spelling. We liked the name, so named our CAG "Bodie." My younger daughter did not like the spelling so changed it to "Boadie." My older daughter had thought her name was "Boaty" all along and was unhappy with the actual name. I now had a spelling and sounding dilemma! Luckily, my colleague at work said her dog was named "Bodhi" by her son becauase he was into meditation. We found out that there is a Bodhi Tree that is associated with wisdom and we all agreed we found our name...BODHI!


Here are some additional pictures (and I just started an album because I'm a computer geek).


I didn't know that birds were addicting. I also have two white winged parakeets (about 5 months old). They are not too friendly despite my efforts but are a male-female who are not related. Maybe they will have babies some day!




Bodhi Right Side.jpg

Bodhi whole body left side.jpg

Bodhi with Pentax cover.jpg

Bodhi rustling feathers.jpg

Bodhi close-up.jpg

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Oh, and she has also learned to poop on command! I was warned by the bird store staff to make sure to have her poop on command in her cage and not just the perch so she doesn't hold her poop and get an infection because she is waiting for permission. :)

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That is funny how she got her name especially since it was spelled so differently but it fits perfectly, thanks for sharing the story of how she came to be named Bodhi.

Yes birds are addicting, they actually have a name for it, MBS which stands for Multiple Bird Syndrome and most of us have more than one bird, I started out with a sun conure then moved on to my grey, I had stopped there but I had a cockatiel land in my backyard this past summer and was unable to find it's owner so I kept her but I know my limit and that is the key to solving that dilemma.

Thats great that you have her trained to poop on command but what happens when you have to go away for a day or two or even longer, will she obey that command when it comes from someone other than yourself, something to consider when you realize these birds have a long lifespan.

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Thanks for the info! I have already told my daufhter (she will be 16 this month) that she is going to inherit Bodhi if she outlives me, which I hope she will! I was actually thinking about that when I bought her - is there any information about how to provide for your bird in that case or then specifying your wishes in a will? I'm not that old but you never know what can happen :)

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Welcome and Bodhi sounds like a Bodacious and highly intelligent Grey that has blossomed under your loving care. You will be shocked at jsu how intelligent they are as time progresses.


Thanks for joining this forum and sharing your experience with him. :)

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I think Bodhi is a fantastic name for a grey! It means something roughly translated as, "enlightenment."


It does sound like you have one smart cookie! I wouldn't worry about her learning to talk because it sounds like she is on her way already. I bet your next post will be about what words Bodhi is saying.

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