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Finally! Bath success!


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After just over 1 yr of trying to find a successful & tolerable way of getting Jewel to bathe, we have success! She's my little 2-yr old plucker, so baths are so beneficial. I'd tried the tub again this evening, but she wasn't happy about it. Almost as a last resort, I happened to pick up a bath 'scrunchy' hanging above the tub. After wetting it thoroughly, I dribbled the water over her & all the while exclaimed, "Woooo! Feels gooood!" She stood still & tolerated that method very well. I was cautious to keep the water from off her head/face.


Perhaps the stars were in proper alignment? Perhaps a fluke? No matter! It's progress & I'll revel in it. :D

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The only thing that was working for me was Took sitting on my shoulder while I bathed. She was miserable, but she sat there. Until yesterday! She had enough i guess and flew right out of the shower, pushed the curtains open and everything. Now what to do!


Good luck with your method! Hope she ends up liking it!

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Congrats on bathing your CAG!!:-)


My only working method is: put CAG into cage, sprinkle him just a bit with mist spray bottle till he fluffs up. If he needs more persuading i start to sprinkle him some more while giggling and blabbing my ass off in a funny voice and it usually works. He starts to play, fluffs up and lifts his wings. This is the sign he really wants to bathe, so more I sprinkle him, more he fluffs up. At that point, even if I open the cage he doesn't want to go out, instead he chooses to splash me with water from his bowl. When he is so soaked (including everything around his cage) I let him out to fly and dry off. I bought him a shower perch but he doesn't really like it. Nor bathing with me.. Till I develop another method I am stuck with cleaning my CAG and my apartment at the same time :-S ;-)

...so this is another way to try ;-)

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