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Close to Murdering My Bird


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You know you are right about picking up on "moods." Both my guys are VERY adept at reading me. My quaker tries to "correct" my bad moods by nibbling on my face and neck! Maybe I am a softy, but I do not push it when Brutus is clearly not in the mood. I know if I ask to pet his head; I ALWAYS ask first, and if he jerks his head a little, I know he is "not in the mood."


Geez, doesn't it sound like dealing with the opposite sex!

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Leo and Willow go through daily phases, and reading their body language is paramount to keeping my flesh un-torn. They're fine in the early morning and need to stretch their wings. Mid-day, they're approachable but you have to also exhibit the correct approach toward them. In the evenings, they're snuggle monsters but you have to be in the right environment (i.e. place in the house, chair, say the right things, use the correct body language toward them)


My wife, who doesn't spend as much time with our greys as I do, often gets bit because she fails to read their mood. I LOL and she gets mad. It's a daily occurrence :)


I'll add that in the two short years I've had with Leo and Willow, They've never bitten me. They've "beaked" to tell me no, but never bitten. In contrast to our two little buzzsaws (green cheeked conures) who have nearly sent me to the ER on more than a few occasions.

Edited by Lambert58
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I'll add that in the two short years I've had with Leo and Willow, They've never bitten me. They've "beaked" to tell me no, but never bitten. In contrast to our two little buzzsaws (green cheeked conures) who have nearly sent me to the ER on more than a few occasions.


I had to laugh at this. It's the same at our house. The larger birds, like the Grey and the cockatoo, have never really bitten anyone. It's the little birds that will draw the blood. And especially the lovebird, who is feared by man and bird alike. LOL.

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This is why, despite the fact that Ursula is a blast, I had to get a dog. I can go over to the dog, any time, anywhere, take hold of him and hug him and kiss him and he even likes it.


Ursula cuddles with my husband - she'll sit on his chest as we watch TV and he can cup her head in his hand, but she and I can't cuddle. (He gets a bite on occasion too, though, if he makes a move she doesn't like/doesn't make a move she wants.) I can scratch her neck now and then when she's really in the mood for it but I'm very careful and prefer to use a little popsicle stick to do it.


At the same time I have learned to read her body language carefully and she readily steps up for me and likes me to take her around the house on little adventures. I never make her step up, it's always her choice (back when I made her step up, the sight of my hand would make her lunge). If I need to move her and she won't step up on my hand, I get our T-stand; she readily steps up on that and we seem to have an understanding about this. In fact, we have a ritual at night when I come to take her to bed: she's up high on a perch and I offer the T-stand; she never reacts to the T-stand this way at other times. She gets all puffed up and acts like a dragon, posturing and lunging at the T-stand, bobbing her head, acting like she wants the T-stand to scratch her head, then taking hold of the T-stand but refusing to step up. If I push the T-stand toward her she raises her foot until it's near her head and I start to push her over on her back. Then she steps up nicely. All of this is done in slow motion, none of it is real aggression or resistance. It's like she really wants to go to bed but we do this ritual so she can save face.


So we have a good relationship, it just doesn't involve my hands very much.

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It is strange living with a pet that has such strong moods. I know Issac is not trying to hurt me, even when I get hurt. He has a wild way of playing is all. He will get into a mood and at that moment, I know it is time to pay attention to him or I am going to be his toy. I think I spoil him with so much attention that he holds me to that standard. I have never been so attached to a bird in my life. He follows me everywhere.

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Dont feel bad bro, my timneh is 3 years old and is a sweetheart. Tonight (about 20 minutes ago) she was in my lap on her back and she likes me to kiss under her beak normally and blow into her neck while humming... weird I know but she loves it and wont move for 2-3 minutes at a time while we carry on like this. Anyways, tonight she reached up and stuck her beak up my nostil and bit the living sh*t out of it! Blood came out right away and my eyes watered for about 20 minutes. I screamed and she knew she did something wrong. She is now looking at me from her perch and I can tell she knows I am mad at her. I think they just like to get rough sometimes... no biggie, just sucks for us when its our face :) I think your guy will realize he is hurting you sooner or later.. My loud scream to her face as she was up my nose seemed to send a clear message. Hope things get better for you.

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I had to laugh at this. It's the same at our house. The larger birds, like the Grey and the cockatoo, have never really bitten anyone. It's the little birds that will draw the blood. And especially the lovebird, who is feared by man and bird alike. LOL.


Lovebirds. sheesh. Reminds me of the scene from the Monty Python movie with the killer rabbit.

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