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I am unworthy :(


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I played the trumpet in highschool and it made it so I cannot whistle very well. Nor am I a fount of interesting noises. Axel and I go back and forth and he must think I am a bit retarded, or at least very untalented.


I ordered him some toys from Amazon and one of them is an electronic toy he should be able to push buttons on to make various sounds and words. I've downloaded some interesting free soundbytes for him to listen to as well. He rivets on them, unlike my own pathetic attempts.


Anyone ever feel inadequate around their grey :D ??

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Kim, don't worry about teaching Axel to whistle. He will by instinct do it all on his own. He will also start picking up every sound he hears in your household' like the phone ring, the microwave beep, alarm beep and things you can't imagine. :)


None of us can produce those sounds. :)

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LOL, I can't whistle very well and my poor Ana Grey whistles in various degrees of a wolf whistle sometimes very pathetically poor thing. I also get short-winded sometimes and do breathy sighs which Ana Grey mimics like the pro she is. But she loves me and I love her and we both try our best and in the end, that's all that counts!!! 36_1_21.gif36_1_21.gif

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Oh my goodness! It's a really good thing Phenix can't have a conversation with Axel.


Phenix is outstanding. He picked up a 15-20 second bit from hearing it whistled once on TV (classical, no less). My friends get a real kick out of how fast they can teach him a song.


I'm pretty hopeless. On a really good day I might get a couple of notes out. I really wish there was some way to describe this, but Phenix has literally tried to teach me for years.


It's exactly like us trying to teach them a sentence, only the roles are reversed. He laughs at me. He gets frustrated. He imitates my pathetic attempts. But the poor guy's never given up. It's actually pretty amusing, in a humiliating kind of way. :o

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Don't worry, I can't sing and neither can my amazon. But that doesn't stop her from singing every song I play when reviewing my. 15 songs and routines for teaching my Zumba classes. I just set up a camera and am taping her. Hee hee

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Ha Ha!! I've had the same thought. Our birds must think we are totally duffus when it comes to making sounds whistles or beeps. One time Tobie and I were playing a game we play making sounds back and forth and I happened to come up with a new cool sound. He stopped and looked at me twisting his head around and then bobbing his head. I know he was saying "Where did that come from, I can't beleive you came up with that".

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