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Good video cameras??

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Hi...I really want to video AnnaBella talking but I'm running into a problem. She usually talks when there's other noise in the house...like music or TV. When I have taken video of her talking, it's hard to hear over the TV. If I turn the TV off, it's like she knows something is up and won't talk. I've tried video taping her when she's been playing...she sees the camera and stops. I've tried leaving the video camera laying around so she gets used to seeing it, but it's like she knows when it's turned on. She talks sooo much and says such amazing things, I want to put her on youtube. Does anyone know of a small video camera with good audio recording?

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Sorry Heather I do not know as I am not so familiar with video taking but am surprised that you have no responses so far as we do have some members who video tape all the time, maybe it is a question for someone who does that for a living, check local camera shops and such.

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I have a few friends that do some video and editing work. I asked for some inputs and it was sugested that you might look into first an external mic for the camera you already have so you can keep the camera further away from your bird, while still allowing for the back ground tv, music etc to be on. having the mic further away from the sourse of the back ground sound may balance it out some.


Also if you are looking at new cameras a rather in expensive one is the Panasonic PV-GS150 (have seen on ebay for around $200.00), from what I am told there is an external mic port and you cal also monitor the cound of what ever you are recoring with headphones at the same time so that you will know while recording what the sound will be like. This is all just word of mouth but thought it might help you some.

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