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A Xmas Story


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It was the night before Christmas and all through the house, the birds were flying freely, making all kinds of sounds...

Spock sat swinging on top of his atom and chuckled to himself while Salsa did touch-downs off Jay’s head...

Maggie was running to and fro, trying to stop chaos when they both heard the pounds...

Tango, not to be outdone, yelled from her perch, “Whatcha doing mister!”

Jay sat muttering to himself “When will they be going to bed?”

All the stockings had been hung with the greatest of care but were in shreds by Christmas so we won’t even go there...

Maggie in her poop-stained shirt and Jay in his sweats decided right then to skip dinner and go straight to dessert...

So she picked up the bottle and he went for the glass...Merry Christmas to all and to all... a good night!


I have to tell you all, I don’t know what the hoopla is all about. We have fun all year and then around the time the days are short and the nights are long, my “parronts” bring in all kinds of stuff that they put around the house. At first, it is scary and they have to take all of us around and show us stuff…then they get upset when we want to play with it and just TRY to take a poop on it….boy, that goes over good!!!!

Then they have this tree in and it is not even a real one….it also has points on it and it is not really comfortable to sit on…it was funny when Salsa knocked it over though. Joey just stares at it and no one knows what he is thinking about…must be very profound though…

Maggie was cleaning the other day and she wasn’t fast enough to get our dinner so Joey told her…”Hey babe…light a fire under your butt…I’m hungry”. Salsa started laughing and so did Maggie and Jay…I am too dignified to laugh…I just blew a raspberry.

Salsa has decided she likes to sing opera (please, just stick a stick in my eye!) so while Maggie sings a song that Jay says is Ave Maria, Salsa does her thing and tries to sing along…(I have heard aliens sound better) and I try my best to give constructive criticism but it is not appreciated.

Joey just claps and yells “Shut up Salsa”…Tango dances and sings along too. I just fly around, trying to get away (honestly, there is not enough places to go to get away)

I had been banned from the computer for a while…there was a small incident with a glass of water and a keyboard,(Sigh..) but Jay is easier to bribe than Maggie. I just go up and put my beak next to his cheek and coo…

Peace and Good will to all of you…May the New Year bring much joy, wealth (and lots of new bird toys)…


Live Long and Prosper…

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