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It feels greyt to be back home :) I have been busy and haven't had time to post or even read.. I have A LOT of catching up do it seems!!

Well for those who don't know me I am Bonnie and the Grey who rules my roost is Rene, I re homed Rene last April and Rene has blended in to the family just fine ;) Well almost hahaha. Rene still has yet to accept anyone but myself and will only tolerate other people as long as he is tucked away safely in his cage.. Gotta love the one people Grey's!! He also is in horrible feather which according to my vet after a $$$$$Work-up$$$$$ is mostly due to his lack of bathing :( He refuses totally now won't even dunk in his dish anymore. I have tried all the tricks and no luck I misted him today and 2 bottles later and a lot of squawking and growls later I believe he got feet wet HA! So it is still a work in progress.. His favorite thing in the whole world is still an Almond and he yells for one every morning!! So he gets his palm oil dipped almond in the AM and then some seeds in RPO (Red Palm Oil) in the after noon.. He also still isn't eating many veggies but loves Sweet potatoes and cinnamon sticks so he gets a bit of that daily also. I wish I had better news on his eating habits :( Alright thats all for now it feels so good to be back and hopefully I can catch up quick!!


Oh and I'm going to be adding to my zoo very soon :) But for now I don't want to jinx anything and won't tell until I have the baby in m hands ;)

I'm soo excited to tell all of you!!

Edited by JJsHoney
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Thanks Dave for the reminder I tried this with him when you first posted and he is just to quick for me, I haven't really figured out the best way to keep him with me and actually get him in the sink :) As soon as he see's where I am taking him he bites and freaks out and eventually flys away my fingers can't hold his little feet I guess Hahaha. I also couldnt contain him in the sink, he would pop out from under my arm etc. Well tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to try again and this time hide his face until its to late for him to react..

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Issac is the same way. Even if a single millimeter sized drop hits his body, he becomes super shifty and will fly away. The one time I got him under the shower head, he squawked and tried to tear up my arm with his talons. Super not bath friendly and I am not sure what to do about that. Still an area of work for me and Issac as well.

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My Moussa is the same way. Sometimes, when the dishwasher is running, he will try to bathe in the small bowl of water on the stand in the kitchen. But it is only about enough water to splash a little on his face. If I try to offer him a larger bowl, he'll have nothing to do with it. He will sit on the shower rod while I take a shower and thus get a good steaming and maybe some tiny droplets from the shower. But to get him wet I have to lower him into the sink with a little water on the bottom and splash water over him or corner him on the counter and spray him with the spray bottle. He hates it and screams in complaint. But at least he's been real good natured about it so far and has not tried to bite.


Bonnie, good to see you around again.

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Kura's my problem child when it comes to baths. She was totally water phobic. They even had a water bottle in her cage. She was really, really terrified of baths.


I started to put her on the other end of the counter on her bath perch every time I did the dishes. Which is often because I haven't got a dishwasher. Didn't try to bath her just made it hang time. Just put her back when I was done & bathed her later in the bathroom.


Curiosity finally won out. She started to get closer til she eventually sat on the dish strainer to watch. Then reach out a little to the faucet, etc. We finally got in the sink... on her terms in her own time (almost a year). We've still got a long way to go but she's gotten a lot, lot better. Some days she actually looks happy when she's in the water, now.

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Hi Bonnie,


My grey also hates baths. The only way we can get him properly wet is to entice him into his travel cage, and shower him in the cage. It sounds kind of mean, but he actually kind of likes it now. We have a flexible and detachable shower head, and I try to keep the shower stream off his face. Since he has been getting regular showers, and regular sunlight, he has had no feather-picking problems.

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Hi Birdnut

The bird bath that we have in our birds cage is a corner rabbit litter pan that mounts to the bars of the cage. I will take a picture of it as soon as I can and post it.

It works out great.and they seam to like it a lot.


The cost is about 5 bucks

Edited by Ray P
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Hi Bonnie, it's great having you back!!! :)


Dave's link is a good one and as you probably remember from your past time on this forum most of us must force bath them and sometimes they will jump in a pan or bowl full of water on their own when the mood hits them. I am looking forward to hearing about the surprise new "baby" you'll soon have. :P

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Boy, when my enthusiastic conure bathers go at it, nothing could contain the water! :)


Those might just help for some of my reluctant bathers. They usually are willing to dip a toe in a water dish and splash a little water on their face and call it a bath.

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Ray,thanks for the idea! I have a grey that will NOT tolerate any kind of water. My other grey will bath in the dogs water bowl when I vacuum too! My amazon LOVES the water. I'm definitely going to try the rabbit idea for my stubborn grey. Thank you!!

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Hi Bonnie, I've been away too and it is good to see familiar people among all the new ones. I put Tobie in the tub with the shower running but I don't put him under the spray. The drain I stop up so that gradually it fills and Tobie has an opportunity to get under the spray or not. He usually gets under the edge of the spray or under a wild stream of water that is separate from the main stream. When the water fully is over his belly and lower chest I let a little out. He usually just sits with his eyes half closed enjoying the spray, but some times we have a pool party, especially if it has been a while between baths. He likes the cooler water.

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