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Mother Nature's Christmas Present


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At least Santa only puts coal in our stocking when we're bad. Wish that was all Mother Nature had in her bag because we really got on her hit list this year.


The pics were on my way out yesterday, before things got bad. Don't think the camera liked playing in the snow. Glad I didn't have to travel farther than the grocery store because that was not an adventure for the faint of heart. Ice under blizzard snowfall plus howling wind & erratic gusts made for some very interesting moments on the way home.


Roaring winds w/60 MPH gusts only brought a massive number of tree limbs & the smallest section of the fence down here last nite. Honestly, I expected much worse. The power only flickered. Thank goodness, because being trapped in a blizzard without heat is just not fun. Especially with fids!


The surrounding waterways protected us so I'm one of the lucky ones. It came down sideways for hours but kept switching between snow, sheeting ice & torrents of rain. So, we've only got about a foot of very heavy mess plastered everywhere. The other end of the city got more & 15 mi away got hit twice as hard.


How's everyone else doing? Especially everyone farther south who thought it might be nice to get some snow for Christmas...?



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I think a lot of people got on her "hit" list this Christmas, at least we got a white Christmas but it drifted some today with high winds but I got out to work ok while my hubby, son and daughter got the week off work, its not fair. The fids are in the room with the fireplace and they are cozy and warm.

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Given the extent of this storm, I thought more of us would be affected. Glad you guys did ok, Judy. But, in a way it's too bad. Sounds like you could have had a nice day by the fire with your family.


It really depends on the conditions, but with practice, driving in snow isn't so bad, Janet. It's driving with other people that can really get horrifying. You'd really think w/all the practice New Englanders get, they'd be better at it. But, then, we're not known as very good drivers in any weather.


LOL Greywings, that's Belle. She at least was very happy to see snow. Next time I went out to shovel, she got tangled up back there. She barked then sat waiting to get rescued. It actually took me a couple of minutes to find her because it was coming down too hard to see a white dog sitting in the brush.


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