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I am so excited and happy!


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I have wanted an african grey for years and years, and this morning, I went and picked up Axel. He is 15 years old and PROBABLY male. His previous owner had him for less than a month, and Axel was frightened of him (his first owner was female).


Axel jumped onto my hand, crawled up my arm and immediately began feeding me with his big, black, sharp beak :D (thank God he didn't barf) and then rubbed his head all over my face until the cage was in the back of my truck and the payment exchanged.


I've been waiting a long time for him. I have had pet birds for years, but not the indoor type. I have three pet geese who spend the evening and night in the house, and a bantam house chicken.


So I'm a beginner with these exotic birds. I've read so much, but get the most out of forums like this. I've read all the bad and it didn't scare me away. Now for the real experience. I'll be doing lots of reading for a while and as Axel "comes out" I'm sure I'll have lots of questions.


I already have a great avian vet, and Axel is clipped, recently beak, nails and wings. He is in excellent feather but I don't think he's been bathed/misted.


It will be interesting when he meets Petey, Lila and Lilly the geese (who are almost as needy and demanding as a parrot is supposed to be). It will be from a nice distance lol.

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Awesome ... sounds like he chose you :-)


I didn't understand when people said that you would just know when the parrot was for you until Mort chose me! It's great that a 15 yr old accepted you so quick after a problem with the previous owner - hope he likes meeting the rest of the flock.

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So far, he loves blueberries (enough to figure out how to grip them without them squirting out of his hand while eating them), and really loves macaroni and cheese. I only gave him four or five noodles, but he started dinging like a microwave between the second and third one to indicate he was ready for the next one.


He has never had his wings clipped until three weeks ago, and is very unsure of himself. Also had his nails clipped and I can feel his lack of confidence. He's also jumpy, I picked up a small stick and he panicked and tumbled off the couch. We'll just have to keep things low key for a while, though around this place, low key doesn't last long.


So far he is very mellow, very very gentle with his beak. I'm sure this is in part because he is unsure. Axel is making it easy on me :)

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I will get my camera from the daughters and get some pictures. Thanks for the warm welcome :)


He has been pretty quiet and sweet. Very interactive, but I gueses I expected much worse. He's teaching me how to pet his head, and of the power of his beak. I hope to be a very attentive student.

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Hi and welcome! :-)

... and really loves macaroni and cheese.

Please don't feed him with stuff that is not appropriate for greys. My godfather gave his parrot all sorts of food because it seemed he liked to eat everyhing and then his arteries clogged,he had a heart attack and died!

He has never had his wings clipped until three weeks ago, and is very unsure of himself. Also had his nails clipped and I can feel his lack of confidence. He's also jumpy, I picked up a small stick and he panicked and tumbled off the couch. We'll just have to keep things low key for a while, though around this place, low key doesn't last long.
My baby grey came with clipped wings and I soon realized that it was extremely stressful time for him because he had an instinct he should be able to fly. I do not even want to imagine how is it for the fully grown parrot regarding clipped wings. It could maby be useful to put some toys (gradually more and more) arround his food bowl so he needes to clime over them. That way he would gain some confidence instead of insecurity and fear of falling that, I imagine, he is experiencing now.. For the beek and "toe nails" I bought safety pumice perch (large) and it worked wonders. Before that Zak needed to go to the vet twice a year to be clipped and had terrible problems with his beak and now it is all gone:-) Less stress, nicer and happier parrot;-)
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